Chapter 2

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Soon after our wrestling, Aviri made her way down to the river holding Peredite's hand in one hand, and a large picnic basket in the other. Peredite held a large folded blanket in her free hand.
The two made their way over and Aviri smiled at Myra whom was still attacking me. The two set out the blanket and put the basket down on it. “Are you three hungry?” Aviri called.

“Of course!” Myra jumped up and swam to the shore before climbing out of the water and grabbing a towel. Instead of sitting down on her own, Aviri sat cross legged (or pretzel style) and Myra planted her rear right in her lap. Luckily, Aviri wore a similar ring on the middle finger of her right hand, so Myra's wet hair and bathing suit didn't hurt her at all.

Peredite wore the same ring on her middle... claw. They weren't engaged, as companions weren't supposed to actually marry because the link they shared already expressed that enough, so they did the closest thing they could think of.

I thought it was really cute.

Aviri handed Myra a sandwich before pulling out a few apples and a pie, then a wine bottle filled with blood, as well as a few sodas.

She handed me a soda before pulling out a glass which she filled with blood and gave to Kira before pouring her own drink. By this time Peredite had already handed me a sandwich of my own, and was eating another herself. Kira and Aviri both took their right hands and laced their fingers through each other, pressing their Nightshade symbol together, then tapping their glasses together using their left hand.

They often did it as a silent expression showing they still shared the strongest bond in the group as identical twin sisters. As vampires, this meant that their thoughts were each others, in a way that was much stronger than the link I shared with Kira. If Kira had a thought, Aviri instantly heard it, and her thoughts were sent back to Kira in the same way. This meant that the two of them could mistake the other's thoughts for their own.

In a way where anyone could understand, Aviri could see my naked body whenever Kira could.

Make sense now?
The twins lowered their hands and sipped their blood, smirking at each other.

It wasn't hard for me to read Kira's mind, and because of which I knew that Kira and Aviri had instantly talked about their whole day in the seconds they held each other's hand.

After I took a bite from my sandwich I offered a bite to Kira who smiled and took a bite from it. Even though she's had a sandwich before in the four years I've been with her, I still gave her at least one bite of everything I ate. She still says that my blood tastes the closest to vanilla.

Aviri went ahead and told stories about how she and Kira had killed dragons and other amazing monsters. At some points Kira would roll her eyes so I guessed that Aviri was exaggerating.

Kira leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled and let my head touch her's. That was all we ever needed. We didn't need to talk to express how much we loved each other. It was something there that we just knew. I loved her with everything I had, and I knew she felt the same.

Myra smiled happily. She always enjoyed hearing stories about Kira's adventures through her 2,312 years. I wondered why Myra liked hearing them when she actually had them in her own mind.

“...and then Kira took the sword, and stabbed it into the dragon's maw! It hissed in pain before collapsing to the ground. She then stood up and smirked at me with her famous cocky grin. 'I told you I'd kill more than you.' she told me.” Aviri smiled.

“And I did kill more than you.” Kira answered.

“Dragons are scary? But Sapphire is really nice.” Myra said.

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