Chapter 7: The Good Dates & The Bad

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Kayden's date, I decided to name him Mike, is portrayed by...whoever I don't care too much about him so you choose.

 Chapter 7: The Good Dates & The Bad

         25 June 2014 - 14:46

  West Gate Hotel, New Orleans

There was a knock on the door. Who could it be? They didn't order any room service. The pamphlet on the table said that the cleaning lady on comes at 2pm. And there was the fact that Jill didn't know anyone here.

Jill cautiously opened the door and behind it was...some hobo begging for food.

'How does a hobo even get into a hotel?' She thought.

Then she felt it. This was another ghost but not a bad one like the thing that just attacked her.

The ghost disappeared and Jill turned to face Liam.

"Well this place is definitely haunted." Liam said.

"Look who's talking." She replied.

"Come on let's go." Jill said.


"I have an idea." Jill said and walked out the door.

They got a taxi. Luckily this time Jill didn't cause it to crash.

1 ride later they reached their destination.

"Jail Break Nightclub. What are we dong here?" Liam asked.

"One Direction was here last night, you saw all the tweets."

"They were here. Last night. They're not here anymore Jill."

"I was hoping I could sense something, you know pick up on their auras and track them." Jill said.

"You can do that now?"

"Ever since I became aware of my powers, It's becoming easier to learn how to use them."

"That's good." Liam said and they walked towards the entrance.

"Sorry, we're closed." A lady who was cleaning up said.

"But it's only 3 'O clock." Jill said.

"This is a night club sweetie, not a day club. Are you even old enough to be in here?" The woman said, letting her ghetto accent come out.

"Yes, I'm older than I look."

"Anyway you need to leave so I can sort this place out. That boy band, what was it...One Direction was here last night, people went crazy, flipping tables and shit." She said.

"Look I just need to...use the bathroom."

"Honey, after last night I don't think there is even water in these pipes. That bathroom looks like my Aunty BooBoo's house on a good day. KK needs to get someone to clean that shit up."

"Who's KK?" Jill asked.

"Me fool." The woman, KK said.

"Uhmm ok." Jill said not knowing how to reply to that.

Liam walked up to KK. He looked her in the eyes and when he did his pupils started glowing purple.

"Let us do what we came here to." Liam said while staring into her brown eyes with his, now purple ones.

KK started sweeping again as soon as Liam was done.

"What did you just do?" Jill asked.

"Remember Kim said spirits have powers too, while I was waiting for you at the airport

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