Chapter 14: Resurrection

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Chapter 14: Resurrection

Helen was sitting in front of her laptop.

She put the dvd that she got from her acquaintance into the laptop.

It was CCTV footage from a gas station shop. It showed the truck driver at the till, paying for something. He was paying for his gas and he needed to sign the receipt. He tried signing but the pen didn't work.

He grabbed a magazine from the stack on the till and scratched on it until the pen worked. The magazine had One Direction on the cover.

"You're going to have to buy that now." The man behind the till said.

"I don't mind I got paid today." The trucker said and handed over the cash.

Helen closed her laptop.

"It was an accident, they weren't being targeted. It was all just a big accident." Helen said.

30 June 2014 - 09:06

West Gate Hotel, New Orleans

Jill was driving with Liam in the seat next to her.

"Do you mind telling me where we're going?" Liam asked.

"We are going to every hospital, every morgue, every cemetery until we find your body."

"That will take more than one day." Liam said.

"And this is your last day." Jill said looking at him.

"Keep your eyes on the road, can't have both of us dying." Liam said.

"We''re not going to die. I won't let you."

"Jill it's too late and you know it. The only way we will be able to bring me back now is if someone came up to us and told us where to find my body...corpse whatever."

"Corpse...never heard you say that one before."

"Well my body must have started to...-"

"We're here." Jill announced interrupting him.

"We're where?"

"Franta's Haven Hospital."

"Why here?"

"Because it was the closest one."

"Are you really going to go to all of the hospitals?"

"If that's what it takes, yes."

"Jill even if you do, I don't think the hospital staff are allowed to tell people who's in their morgue. It's sensitive information you know."

"Well this is a sensitive issue."

Jill walked into the hospital and as soon as she did she got a huge shiver down her back.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"There's ghosts here, a lot of them." Jill said.

"Maybe you should wait outside." Jill said.


"Ghosts auras are too strong for spirits to handle remember?"

"Oh yeah right." Liam said and walked out.

Jill walked to the front desk.

"Hello Miss, how can I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked.

"I...could you tell me if you have someone in your morgue, I'm looking for someone." Jill said.

"I'm sorry Miss, we cannot give out patient information."

"But they're dead, they aren't patients anymore." Jill said.

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