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"Oh my God...stop! Aha ha stooop! Alright, Alright chill Brooke! stoop!"

"Nope uh uh come here...come here you ain't done yet! You stay talking shit!"

Blayne sat upright in bed, on her laptop watching old videos of she and her brother Brooke. It was the last day she saw him alive, May 15, 2014. A wide smile fit her face, as that familiar sense of sadness began to fill her body again. She'd been watching various videos for the past hour, in conjunction with making a few beats. Blayne found herself experiencing one of those' nights' again.  

Nights where Brooke filled her mind, never once leaving it.

She'd experienced a small moment of breakdown an hour prior, causing her to indulge in two Zanax pills to relax her. With the pills successfully aiding in her calming down, she still found it hard to sleep, so she decided to decorate a bit. Using one of her ruby red pillow cases, she placed it over the lamp in her room, allowing it to give off that relaxing, semi dark look. This also helped Blayne relax a bit, as she felt like she was in her own world.

She now began to giggle as she watched her brother chase her around their parents house. It was a nice summer day, and Blayne was visiting from school. The two siblings were having their usual roasting session with Blake in her usual background shaking her head at the two. Blayne was so enthralled in her laptop, that she hadn't even heard her phone going off beside her, due to headphones in her ears. After the video ended, Blayne found herself pressing play, watching the seven minute video again, before sliding her headphones off and going to the bathroom.

Once back out, she looked at herself in the mirror. Dressed in sky blue dolphin shorts, a plain white tee, and white footies, Blayne then looked at her hair. It was now out of its ponytail, full and wild. Shaking it a bit, Blayne then made her way back to bed, grabbing her phone. She was surprised to see a text back from Rocky, given she'd text him an hour ago.

She smirked at the text, while shaking her head.

Mr. Rock: Make me a beat

Blayne looked at the time.


She decided to text back anyway.

: Cool. Where dem M's at doe????

Blayne laughed at her corny comment, before feeling her phone go off.

Mr. Rock:  In my pocket. You up?

"Obviously" Blayne muttered, texting back.

: Yeah, bouta hit the sack though. What's up?

Mr. Rock: Naw you not

: Lmao am too..nighty Night

Mr. Rock: Its morning though

Mr. Rock: & your up making a beat, while I'm next door bored. Wassup?

Blayne found herself blushing, as she thought of something to witty to text back but couldn't.

: Okay, what does that have to do with me?

Mr. Rock: Everything

Mr. Rocky:  :(

: twenty minutes. Das IT.

Mr. Rocky:  Lmao. Aight let me in.

Blayne's eyes quickly darted to the door as she stood. Quickly looking at herself in the mirror, and fluffing her hair up a bit, she then heard three soft knocks on her door, prompting her to unlock and open it, to see a semi tired looking, yet still smiling and fine Rocky, as she shook her head.

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