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Copyright 2017 Kam Blui.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced or transmitted in any forms by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without expressed written permission from the author.


Gentlemen's Club.


"Girl are you stupid or crazy?" Erin questioned loudly, looking over at Blayne as if she had two heads.

The two were currently at Pink Flames in back with the other dancers, waiting to go on. In the meantime though, Blake sat at her post, her right elbow planted on the black table with her chin rested in the palm of her hand, while the left held a blue ball point pen, steady going across her black composition book.

She was writing lyrics and drawing miscellaneous things in an attempt to pass the time. During the process of this, she'd told her best-friend of four years about the conversation she and Blake shared earlier. She immediately regretted this though, given she wouldn't shut the hell up.

"I mean if that was me" Erin paused, turning her attention back to the oval shaped mirror in front of her, going for her cherry red lipstick, twisting the top off.

"If that was you what?" Blayne slightly muttered, now filling in the horns of a small unicorn she'd drew.

"I woulda said hell yes!" She added, scrunching her chocolate face up causing Blayne to dart her eyes from her work over to Erin.

Erin was a small framed girl, very petite yet curvy, with smooth looking dark chocolate skin, big dark brown eyes, and thick lips she kept coated in red lipstick. She kept the most expensive Malaysian weave in her hair, inches and inches of it, despite having a head full of thick beautiful hair underneath. The two had met in San Diego through Blayne's cousin Iman, and had been close ever since. The two were like night and day though...literally. Erin was more wild and confidently promiscuous as opposed to Blayne, who'd been in an on again off again relationship with her longtime boyfriend Essai who was currently locked up.

Erin encouraged Blayne to 'be free', and indulge in the likes of other men but she always refused. Her loyalty to Essai was more important to her despite not being with him at the moment.

Their relationship was quite....different.

"Yeah, but that's you...I don't work for nobody" Blayne replied, as Erin burst out into laughter.

"So what do you think this is?" Erin replied, motioning to the semi large room they were sitting in, before applying the lipstick to her lips.

"Yeah but this is different, I'm not taking orders, and I make my own hours, besides, I'm not gonna be here long" Blayne replied, focusing back on her drawing.

"Yeah but I don't get what's so wrong about working for ASAP Rocky" Erin paused, placing the top back unto the tube, setting it back unto the table, before popping her lips.

"I mean it's ASAP Rocky for goodness fucking sakes, what the fuck is wrong with you?" she added, looking back at her best-friend.

Erin noticed the look of sadness and irritability on Blayne's pale face. She knew how much her friend had been through since graduating, and tried her best to keep her sane. She also knew how smart Blayne was and thought she was crazy to not take on such a job, whether it was being at someone's beck and call or not. Blayne had way too much pride, one thing Erin secretly disliked about her. She already knew what he real reason was though.

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