Ch 27- What to do?

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Oh major writers block, and today's update... I didn't go over it so excuse any mistakes and errors. I started the chapter but never finished it until now. I have no idea where this is going but ENJOY!!!!

Yukiko's Pov

After hanging out with Yoongi in the music room, the boys were becoming busy everyday. I missed them, I miss their excitement, I miss hanging out with Yoongi, and.... I miss Namjoon. I don't know what happened between us but he kept a distant from me.

I was sitting in class, staring out the window as history was going on. The doors of the classroom opened during the middle of the class, the three boys bowed handing the slip of paper to the teacher and made their way to their seat.

Taehyung walked first and sat next to me with a smile, I smiled back giving a quick glance at Namjoon before he sat behind me. I saw Yoongi giving me a small smile with a wink. I smiled at him and he took his seat next to Namjoon. Whenever the boys have time to come to school they come, it isn't something new.

The history teacher ended the class with a reminder of the entrance exams for college. School was coming to an end, which means us seniors in school are going to graduate. After class was dismissed some of the students murmured asking their friends where they want to go and what they plan to do. I wanted to go into the music career, but I still find it hard for me to let go of the pain.

"We have to go find the boys and have a small talk, we'll be back." Taehyung spoke to me and I nod understanding where they were going after. I was left alone in the classroom as the classroom president handed me some papers. "Yukiko, can you send these test corrections to the teacher's lounge?" Class president Eunhyuk asked. I nodded and took the paper, "Thanks!" He smiled, I hummed in reply, "No problem".

I walked to the teacher's lounge or office and handed the test corrections to our history teacher. I smiled and walked out, thinking I should head to the music class. Walking down the halls of chattering students, I peeked through Windows of the classrooms. I came across the music room with all the boys in a circle. I stopped in my tracks to get a better look in the room.

I noticed the hair colors, no guys in my school dyed their hair except for these boys, they were having a small talk. The door was cracked open a little as I stood far from the door listening to their conversations.

"As the oldest of the group, I think you two are just childish. This has to stop you two." I heard Jin scolding. Why was he scolding? I wondered. "We need a strong group, teamwork, and leadership. Especially from you Namjoin, you're the leader and I expect you to put an act as a leader and be the good influence for others." Jin scolded again. "Yoongi, you're older than Namjoon so I also expect you to be an influence on Namjoon, not your childish acts."

"The grudge you two are holding needs to be let go. You can stop the fighting over Yukiko." Jin said, I furrowed my eyebrows, fighting over me? But why? "This game has gotten serious, you both are always getting hurt, never on good terms. I can feel winter visiting everyday. The bet needs to be over, no one got her so let it go. You can be friends, remember the contract about no girlfriend or boyfriend."

I... I was a bet the whole time?! Namjoon was just playing with my feelings over a bet? And Yoongi was part of it? All of the boys were! I felt the pain of being used pinch my heart. I grabbed my chest, feeling the tears stream down my face. Hoseok, had his hands clenched as he look up from the ground and saw me stand at the window of the door. "Guys..." he mumbled, pointing his direction towards me.



Namjoon and Yoongi stood up front their seat. The rest of the boys turn their heads and saw me. I looked away quickly getting myself out of there. I covered my mouth and started running. Where do I go? The places to hide from them, they all know. I kept running, hearing myself breath heavily as I sniffled my sobs. I heard them shouting my name behind me, I covered my ears taking their voices out of my head but it is still there.

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