Ch 12- What's Real & What's Fake?

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Yukiko's Pov

I ran into the girl's restroom locking myself in a cubical, I pulled out the bottle of pills with shaky hands. I spilled the pills in the palms of my hand not counting how much spilled and shoved the rest in my mouth. I need to get rid of this illusion my mind is playing. I gulped down the pills dry breathing heavily, I sat on the toilet resting my head in my hands. I felt at ease after a while, I unlocked my cubical and walked out stumbling on my feet. I'm feeling a bit drowsy, I walked out into the hallways that were once empty now filled with other students. 

I stumbled holding onto the wall for support, the other students saw but they only got out of the way and started mumbling amongst themselves. My vision was getting heavy, my child self showed up in front of me looking worried. I smiled at her knowing that I at least have her and fell onto the ground with a thud. Later I woke up in a room, the nurses office. I sat up clutching my head as I sat up, "H-hyung, Yukiko is waking up!" I heard a soft smooth voice, I looked to the left to see all the boys looking alarmed. "Yuki!" Mom appeared at the door panting. 

"Are you ok? The school called me but I couldn't come right away. What happened?" Mom cupped my face examining over me. "I'm fine mom," I looked at the boys, "I'll tell you when we're in the car, I need more sleep."  I pulled off the sheets and put on my shoes. I stood up feeling the blood rush up to my head seeing black and almost falling back, but the bed was there before I could fall. "Be careful!" Everyone was quick on their feet just in case I fell again. 

"Yeah, I think you need more sleep. Can you walk?" Mom helped me up, "I don't know, I can try." I walked forward almost falling over. A hand helped me up before I could even fall. I looked up staring into a pair of dark drown eyes. I searched in them getting familiar, they belonged to Namjoon. "Let me help." I felt his voice vibrat as he pulled me close to his chest.

Mom nodded grabbing my backpack and the rest followed behind. His scent was warm and calm, I wanted to sleep. He notice I was dragging my feet and he sighed sharply, "this can't do," he lifted me up in bridal style and took me outside. "Mrs. Tsuneko, where did you park your car?" Again as he spoke, his chest vibrated. I had my arms around his neck and was staring at his neck.

Mom told Namjoon to wait as she went to the car, with my left arm wrapped around his neck and my right hand coming down to his neck. I felt Namjoon tense up when I brushed my fingers against his neck. There were red marks around his neck, "Did it hurt?" I whispered under my breath, not pulling my gaze away from the red marks. "What hurts?" Namjoon asked, I pulled my finger away from his neck, "The... S-she suffocated you, the red mark here." I touched his neck again.

"What red mark Yuki? No one suffocated me and there is no red mark on my neck." Namjoon sounded confused and so was I. I met his eyes and looked at his neck, the red mark was gone. My eyes widen a bit, and I looked away, "You can put me down." I quietly said. Namjoon understood and set me down. I avoided his gaze, he must think I'm crazy even I think I'm crazy.

Mom pulled up with her car, I quickly opened the door to the passenger side and got in. Before Namjoon could say good-bye, I already shut the door. Mom was confused for a bit, "Just drive home." I buckled up without saying good-bye to Namjoon, mom just nodded waving at Namjoon. "What happened when I left?" Mom asked, I sighed resting my head against the window, as she drove off.

"You can tell me." She looked over at me and back on the road, "I think... Mom it's getting worse," Mom stopped at a red light, "What do you mean by that Yuki?" I bit the inside of my mouth, "I don't know what's real or not. Today, I thought I saw Mami-chan choking Namjoon. And outside when you went to get the car, I saw the red mark she left on his neck. When I looked away and back  at his neck it wasn't there. Gone in a blink." I frustratingly rubbed my eyes.

"He must think I'm crazy now." I rest my head back on the seat sighing. "You're not crazy, you're just... sick." Mom tried to comfort me, a while later mom parked the car in the drive way. I was welcomed my Yumi when we entered home. "Yuki are you hungry?" I threw my backpack to the floor, and threw myself on the sofa. "Yeah, I didn't eat lunch at school." I replied back.

Resting my folded hands on top of my stomach, I thought about finishing my composing back in the music room. I sat up, grabbing my backpack on the floor rummaging through my backpack looking for my notebook. I found it and grabbed a pencil walking over to the study room.

I halted at the doorway, staring at the grand piano. 'It's okay Yukiko, just go and play.' I told myself. Slowly walking to the piano, I sat down opening the notebook on the stand. I played what I wrote and added more notes in the notebook. Mom placed a plate of sandwich on top of the piano and left the room with a smile.

My creation of the song from the piano, was washing over me like an ocean of music. I felt at ease only with me and my music. I wasn't worried about anything, I had long forgotten about Mami-chan and this sickness I was going through. I smiled to myself, at the progress I made. Maybe it's time to eat the sandwich mom made. "Did you finish playing already?" Mom asked once I walked in the kitchen. I hummed in reply, and mom had a smile plastered on her face. "That's wonderful Yuki." I felt my heart flutter, I haven't heard a nice compliment about my playing in a while.

I went upstairs to my room to finish up some homework. I quickly did my homework and went back to compose another song. Maybe I should do a piano and guitar duet, I thought. My head started throbbing, maybe I need some rest for today.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

Pretty proud of Yuki-chan, she finally decided to play music again!! YAYY!!

Aight, that's todays chapter I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to vote/comment!

My birthday is in THREE DAYS!!!! AHH I'M TURNING 16!!! I can't believe I'm turning 16, I don't even feel 15 atm, I still feel 13 or 14 tbh. Maybe because I still look like child lolz jkjkz.

Anyways hope you have an awesome day, loves. 

Big Dreams 》Kim NamjoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant