Ch 20- Provoke Me

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Namjoon's Pov

As I walked next to Yuki eating my strawberry ice cream, we enjoyed the fall breeze as the ice cream made my entire mouth cold melting on my tounge. "Namjoon can you lower down to my height?" Yuki looked up at me as I looked down at how small she looks next to me. I narrowed my eyes at her, "Why?" I scooped another spoonful of my strawberry ice cream.

"Just... lower down," she pulled my arm down until I was about her height. I chuckled at her, she took her spoon and took some of my ice cream, "Hey?!" My voice cracked as I stood up straight looking down in my bowl of ice cream. Yuki giggled, "Not bad, no wonder you like strawberry," she had her eyes closed savoring the taste of the strawberry melting in her mouth. I smirked as I stared at her mint chocolate chip ice cream, I stuck the plastic spoon in my ice cream and snatched her bowl of ice cream and ran.

"Wha- YAHH!!!" She shouted running after me, I looked back and laughed. "Kim Namjoon! Give me back my ice cream!" She had her fist in the air running after me. "Mmm, mint chocolate chip ice cream is actually really delicious!" I ran taking a scoop of her ice cream. "You dare ate my ice cream!" Her high pitch scream pierced as I laughed harder.

"That's for eating my strawberry ice cream without my permission!" I shouted back at her. "OKAY! Stop... I- I can't run anymore," I looked back and she was panting with her hands on her knees. I jogged back to her, "Here," I held out my hand to help her stand. She took the offer and stole her ice cream back leaving dumbfounded. "Hey!" She laughed jumping up and down like a kid, "I tricked you~" She sang as I chuckled at her cuteness. "You sure did."


Yukiko's Pov

Back to school, don't want to wake up. Namjoon has been messaging me all morning, as my phone did not stop buzzing. I covered my head with my blanket groaning. Frustrated and annoyed, I sat up taking my phone off the lamp desk next to my white bed.

Namjoon: Yuki!

Namjoon: YUKI YUKI YUKI!!!

Namjoon: Wake up! Rise and shine sunshine!

Namjoon: Yuki CHAN~~~~

I didn't want to read the rest, 'What do you want? It's so damn early!' I messaged back, resting my head back on the pillow with a groan and a yawn afterwards. Right when I was about to drift back to sleep, my phone that was resting on my stomach buzzed. I lazily took my phone and stared at the screen, with an unamused look.

Namjoon: oh you're finally awake, good morning!

I gave a slight chuckle, still laying on my bed scrolling through social media, when my phone buzzed again.

Namjoon: Wanna meet up at school?

Yukiko: Um what for?

Namjoon: I want to show you something.

Yukiko: Like what?

Namjoon: It's a surprise! Meet me in the music room at 6.

I looked at the time on my phone, 5:38 am. I sighed and messeged him that I'll be there. I left a note on the refrigerator to let mom know I went to school early. I walked to school as usual, it was still a bit dark outside as the sun was still rising up. Even the sun knows when to rise, instead of having someone to wake you up. The school doors were unlocked and open for other students who came to school early.

I walked down the empty and dimly lit hallways, and into the music room. I slid the door open and no one was in the room, I took my phone to look at the time, 6:01. I look up from my phone, with the expression of what-the-heck? Namjoon said to be here at 6 and he's not here, another thing that isn't here in the room, is the piano. The piano is not in the room, what the heck is going on?

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