Ch 2- Last Piano

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Yukiko Tsuneko's Pov 

Today is the day of my father's funeral, people cried and mourned. I did too, alongside my mother. The day I had woken up at the hospital,  I learned that otosan was no longer with us. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins from Korea came to show their respect to my father. I still couldn't talk, the doctor said I lost my voice from the accident but I could get treatment to regain my voice again. I sat at the corner thinking about my father, how I wish to have my voice back and sing a song for otosan. Now that was impossible, I lost dad and now my voice the voice my father loved the most. 

He said with a voice like mine I could become a music artist. That was my dream, to be a music artist and be known for my music and voice, but now my dream of becoming an artist crashed. Just like the car accident last week. My close cousin from Korea sat next to me, "You miss your dad don't you," he asked, I just nod my head as the people around us cried. "I'm sorry about what happened," I shook my head and he chuckled, "I forgot you lost your voice. It must suck to lose your voice," I nodded resting my head against the wall. 

"I want to hear you sing, but I guess that won't happen," I gave him an apologetic look. "Minwoo, Yukiko it's time to go," my aunt, Minwoo's mom came to get us. We stood up and followed my aunt. I stood next to my mom, as she stifled little sniffs. They lift my father's coffin and head out the door first. Family members followed after and the rest did the same. We made it to the burner to burn my father's ashes.

Watching the fire burn my deceased father's body, it burned my heart more that anything. I realized I never cried, I had a poker face on all day not being able to express my emotions. My mother cried, My father's side of the family cried and my mother's side of the family also cried except me. How heartless of me to not cry at my father's funeral. I stood tall and watched the fire swallow my father's body, turning it into ash.

I backed out and ran to where ever my feet led me to, I ran into a room hiding in the corner hugging my knees. Across me was a grand piano, I slowly stood on my feet walking over to the piano sliding my fingers across the keys. "Can you play the piano for me? One last time and I can let you free,"  I heard dad's voice in my head, from all the piano lessons from dad he would always say this. I can play you a piece, but it's my turn to let you go.

Sitting down on the bench resting my fingers on the keys of the grand piano, I let my fingers flow letting the piano interpret my sadness and sorrows. Making up notes as I play, I stopped as I felt little wet droplets fall onto my hands. I sat there silently sobbing, covering my face with my hands. This is my goodbye, my last piece of music. 


I was back at the hospital again to get my voice treatment. I had a difficult time breathing and eating, making me lose a couple pounds. I sat outside of the doctor's office, staring outside of the window as people walked by and cars zooming past on the busy streets. I prompt up on my elbow resting it on my knees. Mom and Dr. Saito came out, "Thank you Dr. Saito for the recommendation," Mom bowed to Dr. Saito as he did the same. "Tsuneko, I hope you recover soon," he waved and head back inside his office. 

Mom drove us back home, the car ride was silent on the way home. Mom turned on the radio as classical music played. I turned off the radio looking out the window again, "Yukiko, I thought you love listening to music what happened?" Mom asked feeling a bit pained from the silence that I am giving her. She knows I don't talk because well, state the obvious I lost my voice. I could still give her a response by looking at her, and give her a nod or smile in some sort but I didn't. I was afraid to hear music again, I was afraid my mother would hate me. 

Mom sighed knowing it was useless, trying to get me to talk to her in some way. Mom parked the car as I got out of the car, "Yukiko, I have to tell you something," I slightly nod my head, walking to the front door. I was welcomed by our cat Yumi, a fat gray cat that is 6 years old. Reason being why she's so fat? I fed her all the time behind my parents back, until they notice the change of her body size. I picked up Yumi patting her head, mom came in afterwards setting her purse on the kitchen table. "Yuki, can you come here I need to tell you something," I let Yumi go as she ran off to sit at the window to get some vitamin D from the sun. 

I sat in front of mom, waiting for what she has to say. "Yuki don't get to upset about this but, we are moving to Korea. One, for your treatment to get your voice back, we have to get you a voice therapy. After that you will go into surgery to reshape or reposition your vocal folds to improve your voice. Second, I think while we are in Korea we can start new there," I just sat there, thinking it won't be a big deal to move to Korea. "Yukiko, talk to me or give me some kind of response. I need you to talk to me Yukiko, please don't make this harder for me. I know you're still mourning for your father but please, I just want the same Yukiko back," mom wiped her tears. 

I took out my notebook writing something down, I don't mind living in Korea, Mom sighed in relief, "Next week we have to start packing," mom added while I nod my head, walking up the stairs. 

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Chapter 2 updated, yay!

I don't think I can ever hate music, music is like my life. I can never go on a day without music.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed todays update, don't forget to vote/comment to show support for this book and to motivate ME! 

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