Ch.12 The difficulties of love

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Levi's POV

Eren slowly entered the classroom, my hands wouldn't stop shaking, I couldn't believe my eyes, all these years, all these painful and excruciating years, trying to desperately find him, only to find him in front me, only several feet away.

My tears were threatening to fall, does he remember? Does remember what happened? Most importantly, Does he remember me?

I hope he does, and if he doesn't I'll make him fall in love with me all over again, and if he doesn't want to love me? I don't know what I'm going to do, because I can't live without him.

"This class, is Eren Yeager" said our teacher as Eren wrote his name on the board

"It's nice to meet all of you, please take care of me" he said in a soft voice

He is just as shy and adorable as I remember,

"Ok eren you can sit by..." she paused for a moment scanning the room, there was no one sitting by me at the moment, so I looked at her straight in the eyes, hoping that she would sit eren beside me


I knew it, She was going to pick me!

"Liam" she said, instantly my smile fell, I was pissed, but at least he was sitting in front of me, were I could watch him

~~time skip brought to you by stalker Levi~~

When the class was over I quickly
jumped out of my seat, and followed eren as he walked out of the classroom.

Wait... isn't it going to be weird if I just walk up to him and say hi or anything, I need an excuse to talk to him, I suddenly got an idea, all I need is to get some books

I quickly ran inside the classroom and got my books, he was probably going to the library so I used a short cut to the get library before him,

I was in position, I saw him walk down the hallway, "ok Levi you can do this" i said to myself, my heart was pounding against my chest so hard, i could hear it,

'Here goes nothing' I thought as I walked towards him, and purposely bumped into him, I know it sounds cliché but it was all that I could come up with, any-who... then I dropped my books like I planed, Yep and I totally nailed it.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Here let me help you up" said Eren, I took a moment to look at him, worry written all over his face, his eyes looking at me with such guilt, I truly missed him.

"Umm, excuse me..." he said

"Oh sorry, yes don't worry about you did nothing wrong" I said taking his hand, once he helped me up he started to pick up my books, he stopped for a moment,

"Wow, you do art?" He said picking up my art notebook

"Yeah" i said picking up the rest of the books, I stared at him, he doesn't seem to remember me, my heart ached, I want to hug him, to touch him, to tell him how much I love him... but i can't.

"That's really cool I wish I could draw" he said glancing at it once more

"I'm sure if you put you mind to it, you could do anything" I said wanting so badly to caress him

"You really think so?" He said smiling brightly

"Yes of course" I said, after all he's the one who stole my heart and never gave it back

"I'm Levi, nice to meet you eren" I said with a small smile

"How do you know my name" he asked

Aw crap, I forgot I'm not supposed to know him, but then I remembered something,

"We have the same class together, the teacher introduced you to the whole class, It was Eren Yeager, right?" I asked pretending not to be certain.

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