Ch. 8 Eren's child

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Levi's pov

"I looked at the baby girl in my arms" I laughed bitterly

"Why are you laughing, this is serious" she said

"Well you see, she doesn't even have a name" I said looking at the baby and then Eren's corpse, she has his nose and her hair is as soft as his.

"Well before eren... you know...he told me he wanted to name her Carla after his mom" she said

I looked back at eren, "You really did have everything thought out" I said crying, until I couldn't cry anymore, I held Carla tightly

There was a long missable silence, I could hear the sakura petals rustling in the wind, while the flowers seemed to whisper the names of our dead

"Here take her, to be cleaned" I said to shitty-glasses handing her the crying child, Carla's cry seemed to echo in my mind, somehow reminding me of eren,

I was mad, not at Carla, but at myself, for not paying attention, for not getting there in time and for not saving him, once I got to HQ, I went to eren's bedroom.

It was filthy as ever, that brat... my brat, I laid down on his bed, it still had his sent and his warmth and beside his bed was a cabinet... might as well look inside.

He didn't have much in there, just a box, it was a jewelry box, some pencils and a flower ring that was falling apart, I made him that, i gulped and looked at the box.

I opened it to find a key, my eyes went wide, he was wearing that the first moment I laid eyes on him, he said it was very important to him, then a sudden rush of bittersweet memories passed by me like waves crashing against rocks, I noticed water on the box, I felt it on my face to.

I was crying and didn't even notice, I stood up and went to my room and got out the alcohol, I just want to forget, for a while, forget about everything, but I couldn't, I broke everything in my room, I was frustrated and sad, I stayed in my room locked up for hours alone drinking and crying my sorrows away

Until I heard a knock at the door, "Hey Levi are you done being depressed yet?" It was shitty-glasses, of course she would come, I didn't answer her but she still opened the door "Apparently not" she whispered

I sighed to myself not even bothering to look at her, "Here" she said, handing Carla to me, "Why are you giving her to me, I'm not exactly stable now" I said looking at the sleeping child.

" She is always whining and crying but as soon as I opened this door she stoped" she said as I was putting Carla in her crib

I sighed once more, " look Levi I don't want to be rude but get you shit together, I know your sad because of what happened but you need to stop, and make yourself useful, because eren did not leave you alone, he left you with something special!" she screamed, she referring to Carla

"You know... eren used the last of his energy saveing us from that titan" she whispered

"What do you mean?" I asked

" He bit his hand which turns him into a titan but since he was weak, he was only able to make his head, which started to discompose very slowly, so when the titan stepped on our area we weren't injured but eren he... well, he was not so lucky" she explain tearing up

I've never seen Shitty-glasses so sad, in all the years that I have known her, never has she cried before, I still had to process this,

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