Ch. 4 So i am...

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Levi's Pov

Eren has been really sick for a week now, he's throwing up, all over the place, and he said that his stomach is hurting.

"Hey eren, I think it's time for another cheak up," I said patting his back while he throws up in the toilet

"You think?" he asked looking awfully pale 

"Yeah, I'm gonna ask shitty glasses if she can do anything about your throwing up, you have to eat something without throwing it up," I said as he nodded

~~~ Time skip ~~~

Eren's pov

"So you've thrown up?" Hange-san asked

"Yes" I replied

"And cramping?" she asked 

"Yes" i replied once more

"And think it's time to check?" She asked

"Yes!!" I said

"Ok then let me get my tools," she said excitedly 

She came back with a stethoscope, she put its sensor on my stomach, and placed the earpiece in her ear, and moved it around until I heard an, 'ah' from her.

She smiled at me and said, "congrats Eren, your eating for two!", she handed me the earpiece, "Wanna take a listen?" she asked

I slowly took the earpiece and put it in my ear, I could hear a faint heartbeat "is that..."I said tearing up, "Yup, that's your baby's heartbeat," she said,

I started crying I was so happy, I turned around to face Levi, "Levi, here take a listen!" I said, he got on his knees, and took a listen, he smiled,

"Yeah, it sounds nice," he said

"Hey, Hange-san will I have a bump?" I asked

"Of course you will," she said

Levi and I looked at each other, "We should tell the others before I grow a bump" I said looking at him

"Yeah, but how?" he asked 

"We could announce it, in the mess hall where everyone one is," I suggested 

"Do you want everyone choking on their food?" He asked

"Well, we will give them a warning, and if they don't listen, then let them choke," I said

"I thought you were supposed to be the nice one in this relationship," he said

"I am... sometimes," I said smirking

"You'll be a great mother," he said

"Mother?, but I'm a guy!" I said pouting

"Says the one having the baby," he said

I pouted, knowing he was right,

~~~ First-trimester ~~~

Month: 1st

"Hey Eren," Armin said

"Hey Armin, long time no see," I said

"Yeah, so how are you, and the little munchkin," he said referring to the baby

"Oh, yeah it's definitely doing ok, it's eating half of the food I'm eating with makes me more hungry!" I say, yesterday Levi and I told everyone about the baby, they took it all well and still continued to support me.

"Haha, well be prepared for when it's born, it will put a lot of stress on you," he said

"Are kids really that hard to take care of?" I asked

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