Ch. 1 Fight for new tomorrow

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Eren's Pov

I woke up, with the sound of something hitting against the metal bar's of my cell, it has been about a year, yet they still considered me 'unsafe'. But I wasn't complaining,  they fed me three meals a day, gave me a soft bed, without the handcuffs, they let me see my friends and the most important of all Levi.

During these past months we have been getting closer, like really close, we hold hands sometimes,  when we're eating beside each other, and he doesn't say it but he likes to pat my head a lot, and when no one's looking he kisses me, but somehow and someway he finds a way to squeeze the word brat in the sentence, makes me wonder if he'll ever call me by my name.

"Yeager," Says the voice from outside my cell (A/N I literally went on google and search up how to spell his last name and according to Buzz feed this is how you spell it, I thought it was spelled with a j 😂😂😂)

I quickly stood up and made my way to the door, at first it was Erwin or Levi who looked after me, but as time went on they had random people from the scout regiment look after me, I mean I was okay with it, I was used to people looking at me while I sleep, it sounds creepy but what can you do.

I made my way to the mess hall, where I sat in between Mikasa and Armin, I could feel Levi stare into the back of my head.

"So what's up guys," I asked

"We're getting ready to go on an exploration, get your 3DM Gear ready," said Mikasa

"Already?" I asked again

"Yeah... apparently they found something worth investigating, and wanna check it out," said Armin with a worried expression on his face

"What wall," I asked hesitantly

"Maria," said Mikasa

We all gulped in fear, going to wall Maria was risky, and some of us would definitely die.

"We'll go before nightfall" I heard Levi's deep voice, I turned to look at him locking my eyes with his, I could see slight fear in his eyes, he was worried about me, I gave him a smile, that I hoped reassured him.

Levi's Pov

I saw even enter the mess hall, the brat was getting more attractive with each passing day, I then realized that was staring at him, I turned back to talk to Erwin and Hange,

"We're going to wall maria," he said

"Yeah, I heard that they spotted something big and hairy moving around out there! Maybe it's a new titan!! If we capture it, can I keep it? asked Hange

"Shut up shitty glasses, they'll hear you," I said referring to my brat and his friends

"Well they already know we're going to wall maria," said Erwin

I looked but at them, and heard "Which wall" and "Maria" as an answer, they all look terrified especially my brat because he knows that it's going to be dangerous and the risk of death is high, so I stood up and walked over to their table.

"We'll go before nightfall fall," I said looking at Eren, even if there was a high risk of death he would still fight for life and Humanity but that's what scares me the most, he puts others before himself and wouldn't think twice about going to save his friends and what I fear is that one day, he going to just disappear from my sight and I'll never see him again.

They all stood up and went back to their individual rooms to rest before going out on the Exploration because we won't be able to go to sleep until we're done with the Exploration. 

"Come with me brat," I said pulling Eren towards me

"Captain Levi, were are we going?" He asked

"To my room," I said dragging him to my room

"But capt--" he was going to say, but before he could I pulled him in my room and kissed him

"Levi," I said breaking the kiss

"What," he said

"Call me Levi, when we're alone," I said

He smiled at me, and pecked my lips and said "Well of course", you adorable brat, I thought

We both curled up in my bed,

"Hey Eren," I said

His eyes looked surprised for a bit before replying, "yeah?",

"When we're out there you promise not to die?" I asked holding him tighter

"I promise," he said

"Because if you do die, I will find you in our next life," I said as he laughed

"Eren I'm serious", I grabbed his cheeks and continued, "I will not know who you are, but I will find you, and I will beat your ass" I said looking into his beautiful eyes (A/N it doesn't go like that it goes, I don't know who you are, but I will find you and will kill you, 10 points if you know where that's from)

He laughed, "Where did you get that from?" He asked

"I just heard it somewhere and thought it sounded cool, and I convinced myself that I would use it one day," I said

Eren's Pov

I laughed once more and I snuggled up to Levi,

"Hey Eren," he said

"Yeah" I answered

"You'll stay with me forever right?" he asked

I smiled to myself, God I love him too much, "Of course I will" I say

"Hey Levi," I say

"Yeah, Eren," he says

"I love you" I finally say

He was so happy I could practically hear him smiling,  he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck and fell asleep, I wonder why, he made me promise not to die if I'm going to die eventually, how I would know you say, well look at it this way:

If you were in a meadow full of flowers which one would you pick?

The most beautiful one

(Hey guys, I hope you liked the first chapter, I literally spent, an hour writing this story it doesn't look like much but for the first chapter I think I did pretty well love you guys - J.O

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