Ch. 3 I could be what!

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Eren's pov

It's been about two weeks since the expedition, I've been getting really tried lately and as Hange-san said, I'd be wanting to go to the bathroom more, I've had Nausea lately and I'm worried.

I headed to the infirmary, where Hange-san should be, "Hey Eren!' She greeted me once she saw me. 

"Hey Hange-san" I greeted back

"Is there something going on, why have you come to visit me?" She asked

I sighed "well I've been feeling kinda, off lately,"

"Ok, can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked

"Well other than wanting to go to the bathroom a lot, I've been getting really tired and I've been having nausea too, I hope its nothing serious," I say

"Hmm, let me go check some files and see what I can find," she said going to the back room where she stores everything

"Water?" She askes comeing back with a plastic cup of water and some paper's

"Yes, thank you," I said taking a sip

"Tiredness, nausea, increased urination" she mumbled, "Hey Eren, when is the last time you and Levi had sex?" She said bluntly, I almost choked on my water.

"W-what?" I asked blushing hard

"Answer the question, Eren," she said flipping through the paper.

I thought for a second "About a week ago,"  

She flipped back a few pages, her eyes widened, "Eren... could you be..." she said looking at me "what?" I said taking another drink of my water.

"Pregnant?" she finally asked, my eyes widened and I choked on my water yet again which caused me to spit it out.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I asked as I wiped my mouth 

"Yes, the first signs of pregnancy for a women are, tender and swollen breasts, nausea with or without vomiting, increased urination and fatigue, it usually happens within three or four weeks but, your no a women and neither are you completely human" she said (A/N I went on google and looked this up because how am I supposed to know? And it makes Hange sound professional)

"So you think, that my titan blood is the caused this?" I asked

"Yes, but I can't be sure because you haven't had morning sickness yet or craps in the lower region," she said

That made me feel slightly better but I don't know what I'm going to do, or how I'm going to tell Levi, do I even want to?

"But if you are pregnant, your going to keep it right?" Askes Hange-san crossing her fingers

I sighed "Of course I'm going to keep it," I said

"Hey even though we're not sure yet what would you name it?" She asked

"Well for a boy I would name him Lion pronounced like (Lee-on), and for a girl... Carla" I said and smiled when I said the name.

"Carla... why Carla?" she asked

" It was my mother's name," I said with a sad smile

"Oh Eren how lovely, and don't worry Levi will still love you," she said, I nodded quietly and headed towards the door. 

'That's not what I'm worried about, I just hope I can live long enough so I can deliver it', I thought as I made my way out of the infirmary and into the mess hall.

"Hey Eren!" greeted Armin

"Oh, hey Armin," I said quietly still thinking about the possibility that I might be Pregnant.  

"Hey what wrong, Did anything bad happen?" he asked worriedly 

"No, I was just thinking," I said

~~~ Time skip ~~~

Levi's Pov

After all the other brats ate, I went over to my brat's table, "Hey Captain" said Eren with a sweet smile, it took a lot of restraint not to kiss him on the spot.

"Hey brat" i whispered in his ear "come to my room this afternoon?" I asked

"Yeah, in fact, I have something to talk to you about," he said nervously

"Alright," I said heading to my room to do some paperwork

~~~ Sometime later ~~~

I heard a knock at the door, "name and business" I said

"Umm, Eren sir, you... asked me to come here," he said

"Ah, yes come in brat," I said

He took a seat on my bed, he nervously looked around, I held in a chuckle.

"So brat, what did you want to talk about," I said putting down my paperwork

"Umm, Levi I'm about to talk to you about something super serious so listen up," he said

I stood up and pulled a seat in front of him, I could tell that he was not playing around and that I needed to pay close attention.

"So, this morning, I was feeling kinda off so I went to see Hange in the infirmary" he started

I already didn't like where this was going, anything to do with something medical is something bad, was there something wrong with him?

"And before you jump to conclusions, no there's nothing wrong with me I'm fine, well right now I am," he said

It's like he read my mind but what did he mean by 'well right now I am' i was still worried

"I told her that I was feeling tired, and had Nausea, I also had to pee a lot," he said as he gulped

"Should I make tea, to calm your nerves and mine?" I asked

"No it's best you don't drink anything or you might choke on it," he said mumbling the last part, but I could still hear it

"And she said I could be..." he didn't want to finish that sentence but he had to.

"You could be what?" I asked demanding an answer 

"She said i could be pregnant!" He said

"SHE SAID WHAT!" I screamed in surprise

"Pregnant," he said quietly, and looked down "It's fine if you don't want it... but I do," he said

I sighed, "of course I want it, it's part of you," I said, "but how?" I asked  

"Titan blood" is all he said and all he needed to say, "But she's not 100% sure, because I haven't had morning sickness yet," he said

"When is your next checkup?" I asked

"Whenever I experience morning sickness or abdominal pain," he said

"Well, for now, let's go to sleep brat," I said getting in bed

"Hey Levi, do you really want it?" He asked, snuggling beside me

"Yeah, of course, I do, because I love you and everything that is part of you," I said

"But it  isn't just part of me, it's part of you too," he said

"Even better, l don't know how to take care of kids, but I'll try my best for you," I said wrapping my arm around him. 

"Yeah, I love you too," he said as we drifted off to sleep.

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