Ch. 5 The struggle of pregnancy

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Month: 5th

Eren's pov

I've been getting a lot of cramps lately, and it hurt, I've also been eating as much as Sasha does, but I don't have the time to be eating!

We've been going to a lot of expeditions, and me and levi have been really busy, they told me that when i was in my titan form, i was told to pick up a rock, but i just crossed my arms and turned the other way ignoring the orders they gave me

I was also being stubborn and not letting myself out of my titan form, but they said everything was ok because it's just mood swings, they said it was normal because i am pregnant

And by they i mean hange-san and Erwin, they said i would experience mood swings and my hormones would cause me to want levi more, if you know what i mean

By this time my stomach was pretty big but hange-san said it's going to grow bigger

"Hey brat," said Levi, I was laying down on his bed, fun fact about Levi, he sleeps in his chair, well he used to but when we started dating he began to sleep on his bed, with me

"Hey levi what's up" i said rubbing my stomach

"It's time for your cheak up" he said

"Oh yeah i forgot, are you ready?" i asked

"Ready for what?" He asked

"Well my stomach is big, so the baby should be big enough to know what gender it is" i said excitedly

He smiled and said "I'm ready, let's go",

~~~ Time skip ~~~

"Ok eren, a need you to lay here" hange-san said pointing at the hospital bed

I did what she told me

"Ok now i need you to lift up your shirt" she said putting blue gel on something,

"Ok thank you, now this will be a bit cold but you'll be fine," she said rubbing the cold blue gel on my stomach, I hissed at the coldness

"This is called a transducer" she said putting it on my stomach  "this will let us see the baby in the little screen, all this is called an ultrasound" she said while we looked at the screen

"That is your baby" she said pointing at a white blob

"Can you tell what it is" i asked

"Of course" she said

"Then spit it out, shitty glasses" said Levi

"It's a girl" she said clapping

"Yay" i said smiling, i looked at levi he had a straight face

"What wrong levi, did you want a boy instead" i said

"No, I just know she'll be as beautiful as her mother, so I'll have many things to worry about," he said

"Like what" i asked

"Like beating up every guy that looks at her, making sure that every boyfriend she has is sword proof, and making sure she does not marry anyone until I say so," he said crossing his arms, he was dead serious

"Your so overprotective" hange-san said

"Shut up shitty glasses" he said

"Are you sure you and kasa aren't related" i joked

His eyes narrowed, 'I'll take that as a no' i thought

"Hey eren, i fixed your gear, since you've been using it a lot, it started to malfunction, so i fixed it" she said handing me my gear

"Thankyou hange-san" i said as me and levi walked out into the hall

"Here, carry my gear" i said to levi

"Hey I'm your superior, how come I'm always carrying your things?" he asked

"Cause I'm carrying your baby" i said

"Tochè Eren, you got me there" he said (A/N i got it off a vine, it was funny, so why not put it in my story)

Month: 6th

"So eren what did you need to tell us" said armin, l gathered everyone, armin, mikasa, sasha, connie, jean, marco, ymir, and Krista

"So all of you know that I'm pregnant" i said "But what you don't know is the gender" i said

"Oh i was waiting for this" said sasha

"It a girl!" I said excitedly, as we celebrated and I also got some gifs

"Hey eren what are you going to name it" asked connie

"Well I was thinking--"I got interrupted by Mikasa, "Eren come to see what they brought you" 

"Be right there!" I screamed "sorry connie talk to you later" i said heading to where Mikasa was

Levi's pov

I walked into the mess hall and saw my brat surounded by his friends, they were bombarding him with questions

"Hey brat, stop talking to your friend and come with me" i said grabbing his hand and bringing him with me to my room

"Sorry guys talk to you later" i heard him say

Once we got to my room, we both sat down on my bed "Hey levi you wanna see what they got me?" He asked

"Go ahead brat" i said

"So armin got me this really soft bark blue blanket for the baby and Mikasa got me this brown scarf to cover myself for when i breast feed" he said picking them up and showing them to me

"Wait how boes breastfeeding work" i asked

"I don't know ask hange-san, but anyway, sasha got me baby bottles, and connie he, can make clothing so he made baby clothes, we have a yellow one, a blue one, three white one's, and five peach colored" he said showing them too

"Wait Connie can make baby clothing?" I asked surprised

"Yes, I'm very surprised too, Marco made a horse plushy for the baby, jean made a little changing area, for... you know... when it starts to smell bad in its lower region," he said

I almosy laughed at the fact that marco made a horse plushy

"Krista made the baby a onesie, and ymir made it a pillow" he said showing all of them one by one

"Don't you think now that we know it's gender we should stop calling her an it" i said

"Your right" he said rubbing his stomach

"Well i have something for her to" i said

"You do?" He asked

"Yup" i said as i pulled it out, it was a baby basket, "i made it myself" i said

"Oh Levi, I love it, I love the pink ribbon you added," he said

"Shitty glasses to" i said, as i handed him some bottles

"What are these" he asked

"The colored ones are medicine and the clear ones are a special kind of soap," I said

"Special?" He said

"Well all she told me is that it was baby proof" i said

"Ok..." he said not trusting what I had just said 

"And erwin, he built a crib" i said

"Wow really?" He asked yawning

"Yeah, well you seem tired, you wanna go to sleep?" I asked, as he nodded, we both got in bed

"Hey eren, what are we going to name--" but before i could tell him he fell asleep

I sighed I'll asked him when he wakes up

(Levi forgot and never asked eren what they should name the baby, don't worry they will get to it... i guess)

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