Ch.11 Finding Eren

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Levi's Pov (Year 2017)

I've been reincarnated... I remember wakeing up to find that I was in the babies bed, it was annoying not being able to move much, and not being able to push away when being forcefully breast-fed...ugh those horrifying memories still haunt me till this day.

I admit I was scared for once, I couldn't find Erwin, I couldn't find shitty-glasses it worried me but everything is fine now.

My parent's own a big industry that sells cars, so basically I'm rich as Hell, it's that same parents I had when I was in the walls, My mother Kuchel, and my father... well I don't much about him, but at least he's alive.

I remember everything and ever since the moment I could walk, I spent my time looking for Eren, But no luck so far, right now I'm in high school, with the same friends.  I had before, Shitty-glasses, eyebrows or Erwin which ever, he doesn't mind, oh yeah and Petra, Oluo, Eld And Gunther.

I sighed silently, I looked up to cross the street, but as I did I saw it... a head of brown hair, my heart skipped a beat, it looked just as soft as his... I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't thinking at all, I just ran, I ran after that person, that person that made my heart beat faster, the only person that could make me cry and the only person that I could love unconditionally.

I ran so fast, like my life depended on it, they turned to the left, I quickly followed behind, it led to a market place, with tons of people shopping and other people walking around. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, for it was the first time that I had run that fast.

I was able to spot the head of hair once more, my heart beat against my chest, maybe it was eren, maybe I had found him at last, I felt my legs trembled with excitement, I was so close I could almost reach for him, until I was pulled back letting the head of brown hair get lost in the sea of people.

" Hey Levi, why are you running?" It was Petra

"Well I was chasing- never-mined" I said ripping her hand off my arm, she had a tight hold on it.

"I've never seen you run like that before, who were you chasing? " she asked with worry

I flinched "it's none of your business"  I said walking away, I didn't feel like talking to her, or anyone, I just lost my chance to finally find Eren. I was mad, not at Petra but at myself for not being fast enough, I cursed my short legs. Why couldn't I have been taller in this world.

I walked back to my house, well more like mansion. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by my mother, "Levi, Sweetpea, your home" she said walking over to me, and giving me a hug, "it seems that you don't spend time with this old woman anymore" she said putting her hand on her cheek

"Sorry mother but it's a very important matter" I say

"You say the same thing every time you come back, Now that I think about it, as a toddler, every time we went out you looked like a lost puppy looking for it's owner, and when you come back home you look like a lost puppy that didn't find it's owner" she said worriedly

"Mother, all you should know is that what I'm doing is very important to me, it will make me unbelievably happy to find what I'm looking for" I said looking straight at her, she smiled brightly

"You? Happy? Ok then I'll permit anything that will make you happy" she said kissing my forehead

I feel bad that i can't give her the smile that she always wanted from me, she's told me that i never smile, i didn't smile as a toddler either, but there is one emotion that I would always have on my face, sadness, not only that but pain and despair. She would buy me everything a toddler could ever want, but my heart still ached, I didn't want all those toys, all I wanted was one thing I couldn't have: Eren.

But when I found Erwin and Shitty-glasses I had gotten hope that I could find Eren to, so I guess I seemed happier, but I was happy finding my friends again, I guess my mom saw this, and always wanted me to be surrounded by them.

My mom really likes Petra, because Petra likes me, she says that Petra is the only girl that I'm nice to, I'm nice to her because she doesn't annoy me, unlike shitty-glasses, she's extremely annoying.

But eren is the only one for me

~~Next Day~~
It was currently Wednesday, so I had School today, I quickly dressed myself, and went down stairs to grab my things, "Sweetpea, Erwin's waiting for you outside, have a good day at school!" She said handing my lunch, and kissing my forehead

I sighed, as opened the door to find him sitting on my door steps. "Sup, Erwin, your right on time" I said walking down the steps

" naturally, I was texting Petra, she told me were chasing someone, now what's that all about?" He asked raising his giant eyebrow

I patted his shoulder, "Now, now Erwin don't let your eyebrows flyaway" I said holding back a smirk

He sighed "Levi I'm being serious" he said

I became serious "I was out trying to find him when-" I had told Erwin that I had been looking for eren "Again? Levi aren't you ever going to give up?" He asked interrupting me "Shut up Erwin, you how important he is to me" I said getting angry, "Levi you've been looking for this eren your hole life, and you haven't found him Levi, just face it this Eren is not real, he just a figment of your imagination, your never going to find him because he's fake, Levi" he said with sadness written all over his face, I shook my head, with tears running down my cheek.

"T-That's not true, he's real... I know he is... I saw him that day... at least I think it was him" I said with more tears rolling down my face

He looked guilty for making me cry, "You must really love him, I've never seen you cry like that" he said

I nodded "Yes I love him more than anything" I said

He huffed "I just don't want to give you false hope that you may find him, because maybe you don't find him, and I know that will destroy you and hurt you immensely" he said patting my shoulder

I wiped my eyes "whatever let's just go to school" I said making my way to school

~~In the classroom~~

"Ok people settle down, I have some exciting news!" Said our teacher

I just rolled my eyes and put my head down, it's probably about the mid-term scores,

"You guys did really well on You mid-terms, so congrats" she said

'Called it'

"But that's not all, we also welcoming a new student from Germany to our class, you can come in Mr. Yeager" she said

I immediately snapped my head up once I heard the name, they entered the room, everything was in slow motion, black Converse, ripped blue jeans, A turquoise colored hoodie, wild brown hair that looked so soft, and finally his eyes, Oh how long I've been waiting to see them, the eyes that are more beautiful than the sea it's self, the eyes that shine like stars, the eyes that are so enchanting.

And they belonged to only one person, the love of my life,

Eren Yeager

(A/N Sorry this chapter took so long, but I had severe writers block, but luckily I got inspired and thus, this chapter was born)

For Humanity  (eren x levi)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum