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Several years later

"Why are we doing this again?" Justin groaned as he parked the car. "Because Jake and Amber are a family and they needed a favor.'' I told him sternly, getting out the car.
He grumbled something under his breathe which I didn't catch we headed the front door of the house. After all their traveling around the world, Amber and Jake settled down here in California to raise their family. Amber had just called me to ask me if I could babysit so her and Jake have a night's out.

I guess you can say babysitting is not what Justin planned on doing tonight. "You only so much for this" he grumbled as he knocked. "Can't wait,"I whispered in his ear, a grin tugged at my lips as I saw his eyes flash with that dangerous glint of his.

"You are doing this on purpose aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes at me. Before I can say anything else, yells started coming from the other side of the door, from all three kids. Ryan (who was nine), and the twins, Tara and Tia, who were both five.
"THEY'RE HERE, THEY'RE HERE!" I heard them explain.
The door suddenly swung open and Tara stood upfront of the doorway, grinning a gap tooth grin. The way I could tell the twins apart was because Tara had blue eyes like her father and, and Tia had brown eyes.

"Tara, you're tooth fell!" I grinned at her, bending down at her height. Tara nodded solemnly. "The tooth fairy is going to be coming soon," She then turned to Justin. "Hi Uncle Justin." Justin smiled so uncomfortably I almost burst out laughing.

"Alright, Tara, at least let them in!" Jake suddenly appeared at the doorway, a smile on his lips. "Thanks for doing this you guys," "No problem," I have him a hug, stepping inside. "We missed them anyways."

More thumping came and Tia appeared, a bashful smile plastered on her face. "Brrroookklynnn!" She ran towards me and jumped up, with me scooping her into my arms. "Well look at you," I tapped her nose. "Haven't you grown. Now where is your brother? Is he treating you well?"
"Why would I do that?" A voice came, belonging to Ryan.

He appears with his Star Wars shirt on, puffing out his chest. You see, Ryan seemed to have a infatuation with me for some reason. He fought with Justin, claiming that I was his women and not Justin's . Oh did Justin get a kick out of that.
"Hi Brook," He stood on his tiptoe, trying to look taller which made me grin. "Hey you,'' I laughed, ruffling his hair, which made him protest.

"Alright, Alright" A new voice joined in and I looked up to see Amber hurrying downstairs, putting earrings on. "Oh hey Brook. Justin" she hugged the both of us, sounding breathless "Thank you so much for doing this, you don't know how idea how much we owe you." "It's fine, go have fun, you two needed it." I smiled reassuringly.

"Remember behave, you three." Amber gave her kids a stern look before grabbing her purse from the table. "Don't stay up to too late because it's a school night and if either of you give Brooklyn and Justin trouble you can forget about the Disney trip we have planned." blowing a kiss she headed for the door, Jake waving at us before he left too.

"Alright" I put Tia down and rubbed my hands together evilly. "Who wants pizza?" Ryan's eyes widened. "Mom never let's us order pizza on school nights!" "Well," I got out my cell phone, grinning. "Today's an exemption."

The three of them cheered loudly as I ordered two large pizzas. Tara had dragged Justin somewhere into the living room and when I joined them, I saw that she was showing him her movie collection.

"Can we watch finding Nemo?" Tia asked me with pouty eyes. I agreed and she excitedly put it on and Ryan joined us after some protesting about watching Star Wars.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Tia sitting on Justin's lap as she told him all about Finding Nemo while the movie played. He had an eyebrow arched as he listened to her attentively. a smile played on his lips every once and then.

Dangerous Temptations (A Justin Bieber fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt