Chapter 3

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Walking, it was dark when i finally got home. I checked the mailbox first to see if there was something for me but it was empty. I signed in disappointment before heading inside. Checking the mailbox had become a daily routine ever since I had sent my application to Cambridge; I was still waiting for them to reply back, inside it was quiet like always. Mom was always away for work so I had the house usually to myself. I grabbed some cold pizza before heading upstairs to my room.

I set down on my stuff before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. Quickly changing into some shorts and a tank top, I dried my hair and out it in to a braid. Taking a bite of my pizza, I flopped onto my comfy bed and grabbed my backpack to finish my homework.

Maybe I could call Stacy, I mean she was practically in love with Justin, she probably knew all there was to know about him. I flipped my hand over to look at my palm where the number was still written, it was slightly faded but I could still see it. Just call him already, Part of my thought. I picked up my IPhone from the nightstand and bit my lip , torn between calling him or Stacy. If I called Stacy she would keep on asking questions I would never hear the end of it. But if i called Justin ....I let out a big sigh and before I could change my mind I quickly dialed the number written on my palm. I sat there anxiously waiting , some part of me hoping he wouldn't pick up.

"Hello?" His voice came in the background I could hear loud noised in the background. "Did you forget about our homework?" I told him, not bothering to make a greeting. "Where are you?" I heard him groan. "Grey, you have the worst timing ever" "I'm not going to fail because my partner doesn't want to cooperate," I said "Are you going to help me or not?" "Well you see, I would to but I'm quite bust right now." He replied sarcastically. "I'm at 8-Bit's , alright? And I'd love to chat more but I've got to go. Now if you'll excuse me-" "Justin Bieber, don't you dare-" he'd hung up.

I let out a groan and glared at my phone. No way was I letting him go that easily. Sliding out of bed, I hopped into my Vans and grabbed some money. I'd heard of 8-Bit, although I didn't know what it was really.It was a quite shady and didn't sound like my kind my place at all. But that wasn't going to stop me from going after him, I cared about my grades , one mistake and there's no chance of me getting into Cambridge . I called a taxi and the ride was 10 minutes and once I reached my location I paid the driver i got out of the car and stared out at the place, although the windows were glass, they were tinted so you couldn't see a thing.

A guard stood near the door and I hesitantly walked over. His eyes roamed over me as I gave him money and he handed me a ticket. I motivated myself, slowly entering through the double doors. The noise was earsplitting inside and absolutely packed. I couldn't see the other end of the room, and sadly my 5'4 tall figure didn't help much either. "Excuse me," I mumbled , wondering how I was going to find him in this crowd. Someone grunted as I stepped on their food and I winced. The looks of the people honestly scared me. A guy with a shaved head and a dozen or so tattoos glared at me and spurt of terror went through me. As I got closer to the center of the room, the more squished I got. I go jabbed in the rids a couple times and barley missed an elbow that was coming towards my eye. This is not some kind of dance club, it seems like something els. But what exactly? And then I got my answer.

I was close enough to see the ring people surroudered, yelling things. My eyes wen to the two figurers in the ring and my eyes widened in horor as on of the guys swung at other, knocking him on the head. It was some kind of sick, Fighting arena. Wasn't this illegal. "The Rippers at it again!" A guy hollered. That was anouther thing. I believe I was the only girl in this room. As I stood there in fright, soomeone"s arm knocked me and I tripped forward, my body slamming againt the side of the ring. Pankickign, I gripped the bottom as the guy finished off the other guy who lay on the floor and stood there with a smile , his eyes somehow foud mine and my hand wnet to cover my mouth, before I could escape. It was Justin. I staggered back as I saw surpirse flash across his face before he narrowed his eyes at me. I turned my back to him and tried to get out, fantically pushing away people.

I had to get out and fast. I was near the door where the crowd was very minimum. Relief flooding through me, I headed towards it with wobbly feet, but before i could take a further step, a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me against the wall, my back making thumb. " what the hell are you doing here?" I raised my head to find a pair of very angry brown eyes. Actually angry was an understatement , he seemed downright pissed. "Are you crazy ?" he gripped my upper arm so tightly it hurt. "Let me go," I tried not to let the fear in my voice show as I struggle to get out of his grasp. His eyes flashed and my mouth went dry. Now I knew why everyone was scared of him. The look on his face was daunt hing. I cowered against the wall as he pulled back, not letting go of me. "C'mon I'm taking you home," He said tugging on my arm to make me move as he led us out the door. The same guard stood there. He gave Justin a respectful nod which Justin returned curtly. As he walked up to his car a very Nice Range rover part of my mind realized he was still shirtless, the lights overhead emphasizing his muscles and the tattoos on his left arm.

"Get in," He opened the passenger door. I opened my mouth to say something but his expression on his face told me that arguing was not an option. I took a seat and flinched as the door closed behind me. I watched him go around the car to get in the drivers side and get in. Shutting the door behind him, he grabbed a shirt from the backseat and quickly slid it on. He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot in a sharp turn. I swung on my seat belt ad quietly stared out the window as he mumbled under his breath."Do you know what those people do to girls like you, Grey?" he asked me as he drove. "Another minute and you would have been a goner." I refused to speak , still staring out. It was too dark to see anything and my own reflection stared back at me. "I thought you were smarter than this" he muttered. I will not cry , I Will not cry. I chanted to myself as my eyes warmed against my will. A tear slid down my cheek and i cursed myself silently. This is the side of Justin scared the hell out of me. Sitting in the same car with him was enough . I sniffed slightly as another tear spilled out.

"Are you crying?"He said as though crying were an alien thing. "No." My voice cracked , giving me away . I heard his sigh as he stopped the car in front of my house. I wonder how he knew where I lived . turning off the car , he slightly faced me. "Grey" I didn't bother to look at him, quickly wiping away my eyes. He grabbed the hand I was wiping away with my cheek with and made me turn to look at him. In the dark his face danced in the shadows and I couldn't read his expression at all. "I'm sorry" He said , sounding sincere, his voice soft. "Will you forgive me?" His other hand caressed my cheek, making my mind go blank. with out knowing I felt my head nodded. He sighed in relief. " I just didn't was you to get hurt," he told me. "That place isn't meant for you" Questions burned on my tongue and i wanted so badly to ask him. But before I could say anything , I felt him lean in. Tensing slightly , his lips brushed my temple lightly before he pulled back and got to his side of the car, letting go of my hand. "You should probably get inside," He informed me , His voice sounds tense.

I blinked , trying to grasp reality . Nodding again slightly, I grabbed the door handle and opened the door. "Brooklyn?" I paused , turning back to look at him "Sweet dreams." He said



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