Chapter 27

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"Because I care about you."

I stared up at him , dumbfounded. I'd never , in a million yeas, expected those words to come out of Justin's lips. Justin. The one who was cold one minute and hot the next. My mouth had gone dry and I was loosing all thoughts. Because I care. Maybe the headache was making me delusional?..

"Is this some kind of sick joke." I finally spoke. Surprised at how strong and ho firm I sounded. In reality, I had gone crazy. "Do you get some kind of sick pleasure by toying with my emotions?" He difently wasn't expecting that response from me because his eyes widened slightly. "Brooklyn, listen-" "No!" I interrupted him, my voice raising. My blood seemed to be circulating two times faster than normal. "Do you think after everything you've done, after ever thing you've put me threw and all the ways you hurt me, just saying that will make me forgive you?" My voice cracked slightly as I spoke.

"Broo-" He took a step toward me but I automatically stepped back, shaking my head. "Don't." I whispered. "Don't come close to me." He ignored me, his warm hands finding their way to my cheeks and tilting my head up to meet his eyes. The same eyes I'd gotten so accustomed to lately. '' I never asked you to forgive me, Brooklyn." He spoke, and I felt as though someone had ripped out my heart out of my chest. "I know , I know I've hurt you in almost every possible way there is and I swer, I regret it everyday and always will for the rest of my life. And If I could, I would change everything without a second thought. I want you know how much I care for you."

"You care about me." I spoke slowly through a stuffed voice, trying to keep my tears from falling. I kept my eyes closed, If his voice sounded so fragile, i didn't even want to see his expression.

"You make that sound like its impossible." He said , his had over my cheek like the weight of a feather. "Explain the lipstick stain then." I blurted out, the hint of forbidden red on his black shirt flaashing in my head. There was a second of silence and I opened my eyes to find a befuddled look on his face, as though he didn't know what I was talking about.

"The night in the motel." I continued. "The next day I found a lipstick stain on your shirt." As I talked, realization seemed to dawn on his face. "Go on," I continued. "Tell me." He didn't say anything for a minute. His silence made my teeth grit, He probably noticed my expression because he opened his mouth to say something but I'd enough. "Let me go." I said , as a small tear slipped out from the corner of my eye and dropped on his hands that still held my face gently.

"Please, Brooklyn let me-" " If you care about me at the slightest," More tears fell and my voice wavered. "If you care at me at all then let me go Justin," I waited , staring at him through my blurry vision. He'd told me he'd hurt me in almost anyway possible but he was wrong. From that moment , he'd hurt me in every single way he could have done.

"I'm going to prove the impossible to you." He vowed in a whisper before his hands let go of me adn I felt absence of them deep in the pit of my stomach.I grabbed some nearby shorts and I walked out the door and decided to go out for a walk. My vesion was still blurry from my tears. I don't know how long I was walking but it must been a couple of miles before I stopped near a bench and sat down ,a couple of pieces of hair sicking on my forehead.

After a few minutes later, my sniffing had stop, my headache miraculously gone. I wish that could happen for the rest of my problems. Getting up , I walked forward to the water fountain that was close to the bench, resting my elbows on the rail on the fountain.


The words echoed in my head. Half of me wanted to go back to the hotel and throw my arms around Justin and tell him how I cared about him but the more logical part of refused to give in so easily. "I'am suppose to hate him!" I spoke aloud, angered at my self. "This isn't suppose to be falling for him." I buried me head in my hands as the damn tears came again.

Is this what love is? I thought as the tears continued to come. I thought love was suppose to make you feel happy, its suppose to be the best feeling in the world. "Hey, are you okay?"

A voice penetrated my mind at the moment making me jump slightly. Quickly wiping away my tears , I turned around to face the stranger who had spoken but froze, my jaw dropped as I stared at the person who stood there, carrying the exact same expression I was.




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