Chapter 28

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My mouth moved and down, trying to form words but nothing came out. "Brooklyn?" The perdon whispered, there tone filling with disbelief. "Its really you?"

"Amber," I chocked out and the next thing I know, her arms were around me in a tight hold, practically strangling me. "We thougt you were dead, Brooklyn what happen to you?" She asked serouisly, her hands gripping my shoulders. "Do you have any idea whatwe all went through when you tottaly disappeared? Did you run away or somethig-"

"No Amber, its nothing like that." I interrupted her hastily, still slightly emotional on the fact that one of my best friends whom I hadnt seen for months was standing in front of me. "Its, well..... its complicted." I said lamely, not knowing how the hell I as going to explain to her the last fer months of my life. "You owe my an explanation," She pointed out. "Brooklyn!"

We both turned our heads to watch as Jake jogged towards us, his steps faltering sightly when he notices Amber. The concerns of my mouth dropped down; I didnt want to talk to any of them. I hadnt seen Amber in like forever and atlease they could give me a private moment with her.

As jake came closer , Amber suddenly lunged foward adn grabbed his hand, yanking it foward and twisted his arm. "RUNN!" She yelled at me. I gaped in disbelief at my friend as Jake let out a grunt which was more of a cry of surpise than pain. How had she learned to do that.

"Amber, Amber, no" I stepped foward , tring to elp the poor guy out. "Its fine, I know him." "Oh." SHe let him go and he almost fell on the ground. "Sorry." She aplogized. "I thought you were after Brooklyn or something."

"Um Jake this is my best friend Amber, Amber , Jake." I said. Jake eyes warilyand gave her a nod in greeting before turning back to me, "You know Justin isnt going to like this," He stated the obvious. "This isnt the brightest idea involvin her." "Wait, wait, wait, hold up" Amber spoke up, stepping foward with her hand raised. "Justin? As in," She turned to me "Justin, Justin." I bit my lip as I glanced toward her. "Er."

"What is he doing with you!! He did all this, didt he? Omg I am going to kill him, where is he-" Amber started ranting,

"We have to go back to the hotel" Jake spoke to me "And fast." "I am coming with you guys." AMber butted in again and Jake shot her a look. "I dont think that would be a good idea." He told her; I noticed how he kept a decent amount of space between them. Amber rolled her eyes

"I dont care. I am coming wheater you like it or not, person-who-I-just-met-five-minutes-ago." "Fine whatever. lets just get back."


Jake opened the door to the room which Zoe and Sean shared and I stepped in after him. Their heads up when we walked in it was like all their eyes wanderes to stare at Amber. Unexpectdly she alked past me, her eys locked on Justin and her face impassive. I saaw surpise flash across his face as she stepped foward. Suddenly there was aloud smack in the slience of the room and I watched Amber raised her hand and smacked Justin's right cheek

"That was for taking away my bestfrend." "Where did you come from?" Justin snapped as he rubbed his cheek, he seemed bemused than angery. "From my Mother's-" "Ooookay, thats enough." Amber could really get overboard somethimes; She'd probably give Justin a run for his money. Justin raised an eyebrow and his eyes set on me. For a mintue, an unreadable expession ran across his face but disappeared before I could see what it was.

"You know you made it even more diffcult by including her." He told me, his tone impassive just like his expression. "Invlove me in what?Someone give me an expalnation."Amber sounded annoyed as she looked at all of us "And who are these other people?" There was a second of slience asn niether of us spoke. I think the others were waiting on me to say something. I glanced back at Justin who raised an eyebrow in response as if to say , "She's ll yours." I let out a sigh, hoping that I woundly reget this. ''Get comfortable," I told her grimly. "because its story time."


After I finished , I expected Amber to start screaming or something but she was calm which was actually more frightening than her being scared. ''So a werido wants to kill youa'' She concluded. "Yep" I nodded.

"I want you guys to take me with you wherever you go next." "No." Justin , He hadnt all throughout my story until now." "Absolutely not." He said. "Why not, you dont have to pay for anything and I have my own car. I'll supply my own gas, clothes,food, and what else is needed." "This isnt about money." Justin shaked his head. "You can seriously iinjured or killed. Braxton isnt someone who shows pity,"

Amber rolled her eyes, seeming unaffected by his words. "You stop worrying abot my life and let me handle it myself." It looked like Justin wanted to say somthing not very nice, but I gave him a look and he bit his tongue, thankfully.

"Fine." He shrugged. "You die, and Its not my problem." Oh look, there he is. He proped himself up and swiftly exited the room leaving the door open. "So," Zoe sat up, crossinf her shorts clad legs with her tattoos showing. "Your a friend of Brooklyn's?" Amber studied the other girl vuriosy before nodding. "Well, any person who can slap Justin and live to tell a tale is a friend of mine" She grinned broadly. Amber just returned the grin


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