Chapter 32

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Nobody's P.O.V

Cold. Body-numbing cold was the first thought that came to Amber's mind when she finally woke up. Fluttering her eyes open, she raised her head and tried to figure out where she was. The room was dark with barley enough light and emitted from the candles. Shea could hear a rhythmic drip,drip from something that informed her that water was near by.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she realized her head was throbbing continuously, the sharp pain agonizing. She seemed to be tied up, both her hands and feet bounded with thick plastic cords, digging into her skin painfully.

"So sleeping beauty finally awakens," A cold voice penetrated through the dull throbbing and Amber looked up to find a guy sneering down at her. "Who are you?" She rasped out, her voice scratchy. She remembered the van being puled up as she headed out the hotel and two people jumping out. She tried to fight them but her efforts had yielded nothing and blackness had taken her when the knock to her head came. Which explained the massive headache.

"Me?" The guy grinned and it looked slightly crazy , making Amber even more uneasy. "I'm your worst nightmare, Darling." "Oh how original," Amber snorted, trying to keep the fear from leaking out as she stared at him indifferently, The guy raised an eyebrow , as though amused at her.

A groan suddenly came from somewhere next to her and she turned her head to spot a hunched figure resting against the wall and in the same shape she was in.

"Jake?" She called out and the groan came again. She watched as the figure moved slightly and Jake's face appeared. Bruises covered parts of his face and his left eyes seemed to be swollen shut, what remained of his shirt was just teared up fabric.

"Oh god," She stared at him for another second before turning toward the guy. "What did you do to him?" "Relax darling," The man trotted over to a chair that Amber didn't noticed before and sat down gracefully, "I simply showed him his place," Amber glared at him, It didn't take much to know what was going on here. "So I'm guessing your Jackass Brax?" she tilted her head to the side, acting snobby.

His eyes flashed dangerously and the corners of his mouth pinched. "You assume correct." He quickly regained his composure. "And do watch your tongue darling. We wouldn't want to chop it off now, would we?" Amber tried not to seem frightened because she was pretty sure he actually would chop off her tongue if he needed to. "I though it was Brooklyn you wanted.'' She spoke again and at the taught of Brooklyn, guilt started flowing through her. She knew she shouldn't have acted so childish with her, but she was so mad. now she realized how idiotic she had been.

"Haven't you heard of live bait, darling?" He needed to stop calling her that. Amber stared at him quietly and he sighed. "Oh great, I have a bimbo on our hands. but you see, that's the strategy. You capture someone whose close to the person you want and then you wait for them too to come save them.And then you capture them, too. I believe its killing two birds with one stone, as the saying goes."

Dread settled in as she realized what he was saying. "Brooklyn would never be that stupid to come here," She finally spoke. "She probably doesn't even know where we are." "Oh but I left them a very specific hint." The lunatic smile was back on his face. "And besides, even if the ever so sweet Brooklyn doesn't come, I know Justin. His loyalties are too strong for him to not to come after Jake."

"Your... never going... to get away from this," Jake's voice suddenly came, sounding weak. "All you are is a coward. You make other people do your dirty work while you stand back. Its pathetic and cowardly and-" In a flash , Brax was up and now gripped Jake by his neck, slamming him against the wall. It seemed like Jake was to weak to do anything because he just went limp like a rag doll.

"Go on," Brax spoke calmly and with horror, Amber saw the sliver glint of knife in his hands. "I would love to hear more." The hand around Jake's neck tightened and he seemed to turn paler by the second. "STOP IT!" Amber yelled , struggling against the bonds, not caring hoe much they were hurting her. "CANT YOU SEE THAT YOU'RE HURTING HIM?! JUST STOP" Brax looked at her and let go of Jake's neck which made him drop to the stone floor with a thump. Brax's leg came out and struck the side of Jake's stomach and Amber heard a sickening crunch.

"That was just me warming up, Darling," He hissed, coming closer to her with disgust, she could smell the iron taste of blood on him. "The next time," His knife came up and trailed down the side of her arm. "I wont be so nice." She bit her lip form screaming as she felt the knife dig deep into her arm, breaking skin. Tears of pain blurred her vision. Brax stepped back and she could see the knife he held covered in her blood. God , he was really insane.

She watched him as he disappeared behind a door and with one last violent tug, her binding loosened and she pulled out her hands before crawling over to Jake. His own hands and wrist were badly damaged but that was nothing compared to him.

"Jake?" She timidly put a hand on his arm. His eyes were closed and he was taking in rapid breathes. "Rib..broken." He grasped out in a whisper, every breath he took was rattled. "Okay, okay I can do this," Amber closed her eyes swallowing. She had to stay calm. Ignoring the pain in her arms, she grabbed the hem of her shirt, she tore a large strip of the fabric, leaving her stomach and her stomach ring bare. Thinking Brooklyn mentally for forcing her to take all those medical classes, she wrapped the fabric around his rib with some difficulty, making him turn a little which made him cry out in pain.

This is the best I could do, I'm sorry." She whimpered, trying the fabric up. "" Jake breathed out. He was starting to get pale again. "Shh, speaking will make it worse" Amber scooted his head so he could rest it on her lap, as she herself leaned tiredly against the stone wall.

She looked down at the arm which Brax cut up and with relief she saw that the wound wasn't that bad. It was just that there was a lot of blood. Her wrists from where she had struggled with the binds had skin peeling off them and were a angry shade of red.

Reaching over, she untied her feet and then Jake's also before darting her eyes around the room. Everything was mostly stone and there were no windows at all. There was noting actually. No furniture except for that chair and the door that Brax stepped out from seemed to have dozen different locks on them, Damn, if only I had a bobby pin..

Closing her eyes, she let the comforting darkness of sleep overtake her, the last thought that ran through her mind was hoping that the others didn't come after them. or else they were all screwed.

Sadly there is only like 3 more chapter left...



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