Chapter 34

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Darkness. At first that was all there was, just a black abyss of nothing, but Then shapes started to form meaningless shapes that is.

I felt a tightened hold on my arm which seem to be pulling me. I couldn't see who it was since it was so dark, they seem to be Pulling me into even more darkness.

No I wanted to yell at the force that was tugging on me "Come with me" A voice whispered. It sounded like a whisper of the nights wind, Completely chilling. "Just come with me and everything will be fine" But I didn't want to go with it. I yanked at my arm but my movements were sluggish, as though I was stuck in Jell-O. Slowly, the dark abyss seemed to be moving closer and closer.

No! I thought as loudly as I could with my mind, determined to not let it take me. I started to shake my heard slightly till I heard a familiar humming which slightly turned it lyrics "Every thing is going to be alright mmmmh be alright mmmmh" I knew that voice, I began to follow the singing it became to sound closer and closer.
Until a flash of lights seemed to be blinding me and I began to blink violently cause of blinding light.

"She's waking up!" I heard someone say. "Quick! go get the doctor!" There seemed to be some clattering of footsteps as I slowly took in the noises, trying to get use to my body.

"Brooklyn can you hear me?" "The lights... turn them" I rasped. "Seth turn off the lights." I blinked slowly , and things began to come into view. Seth, Sean, and Zoe surrounded my bed , but I was searching for one person in particular.

He looked exhausted. his eyes had dark circles under them and his hair looked like he ran his hands threw it over and over again.

"Thank god" he murmured, relief clear on his face. "Hi" I struggled to say against my parched throat. The other laughed out, almost giddily. " Christ, Brooklyn you almost gave us all a heart attack." " Sorry." I croaked absentmindedly, looking for those deep brown eyes. "Wait" I suddenly concentrated better and slowly events started to flash before my eyes.

I quickly flipped the blanket from my body and found myself wearing one of those ugly hospital gowns. I could feel a large bandage wrapped tightly around my stomach and fresh blood was dotted on it. Before I could bomber any of them with questions, the doctor entered the room.

"Ms. Grey you're awake!" She exclaimed in a way to cheery voice. I nodded, slightly shaken. "Alright everyone out!" The doctor said and everyone slowly walked one by one until Justin was left. "You too pretty boy, she needs to get some rest god knows what you did made her heart rate go all over the place."

Justin raised an eyebrow challenging and I could tell the doctor knew she couldn't make him do anything so she just sighed and started checking me with her back facing him. "We'll everything seems fine, the bullet missed your liver or otherwise you would be in even more trouble. We took them out successfully so you'll be good to go after we keep you over night, I will go get you some water just invade you get thirsty." She leaned in closer and whispered " The poor boy is putty in your hands. Don't lose him dear" She said giving me a cheery smile and Justin sat back down.

"What exactly happened!?" I demanded him. "What happen with Braxton? And where's Jake and Amber and-" he put his pressed his lips and against mine and it was like my stomach let out a cage of butterflies and then he pulled away smirking, I felt my cheeks get hot.

"After you jumped out and fainted which by the way I can't believe your did, I knocked the gun from Brax and shot him." He said so calmly "And then I called the police."
"Are you insane!?" I interrupted him "Calling the police? what if they arrest you. Do you know how much trouble you will get into!?"
"It was technically self defense" he answered me defensively "And I had to help because you were bleeding way to fast for me to do something about it. So the medics took you to the nearest hospital to get you fixed up while the police questioned me. I admit, I had to incrately play with the truth and stretch it out slightly. I told that Brax and his men kidnapped all of us and we had tried to escape and in the middle of it all, I shot him to defend myself. They bought it." I stared at him, my mouth half open. He wasn't serious.

" You saved my life you know" I started to say. "No I didn't I am the reason why you are in this bed-" " I heard your singing.. the same lyric I heard before I blacked out, I thought I wasn't going to make it a darkness was about to pull me in but then I heard a angel singing and I ran closer to it" I told him as he pulled my hand to his heart and sung.
"Across the ocean, across the sea,
Starting to forget the way you look at me now Over the mountains, across the sky,
Need to see your face, I need to look in your eyes
Through the storm and through the clouds
Bumps on the road and upside down now
I know it's hard, babe, to sleep at night
Don't you worry
'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight"   God I love his singing. I felt my cheeks get hot. It got quiet after a while

"As I waited for you to wake up, I thought a lot. And I came to the realization in the end which seemed to make sense more than anything else in the world. It was the answer to all my questions. Why you constantly ran throuhg my mind, why it made me so happy when I saw you smile, or why  when I kiss you it feels so right." He paused, seeming hesitant. My mouth slack, I stared at him. Were these word coming out Justin's mouth? Holy shit.

 "Are you going to leave me hanging?" I smiled when he didn't speak again. Justin leaned forward, his hand still in mine as he looked into my eyes. "I'm usually not sure about a lot of things, but this I'm sure of: I'm completely in love with you, Brooklyn Grey." Okay, yep. Here comes the apocalypse. Why isn't the world tearing apart, or people screaming and raining blood or something because Justin Bieber just said something that I never though he would say.

  "Say it again." I whispered, my voice cracking slightly. I gripped his hand so tightly his fingerrs turned from tan to pale white. "I'm in love with you," He repeated clearly. Being the cry baby that I am, my eyes filled up and I reached for him, tugging him into a bone crushing hug. "God, I love you too. So much that its probably unhealthy for me.''  "Well thats a relief," He laughed a little. I pulled back, rubbing my eyes dry from tears. I felt giddy.

  "So I have a question for yo," He said, smiling. "What is that?" "Are you scare of airplanes?" Way to ruin the mood. "Uh no why?" I asked him. "Because," He shrugged, tugging a lock of my hair.

 "I'm taking you home."



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