Imagine for LegendaryRuya

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*There we go hunny, it's about as badass as i can get it I think. No real fight sorry but a bit of feels. Enjoy.*

Felix's P.O.V

I sighed as I lay on the ground at the park. The gang wanted to hang out but I was not up for that, so I said I wasn't home and left for here as soon as I could and I turned my phone off so that they couldn't contact me.

Even though I was a fire element, I loved being grounded like this. It made it feel like I was more connected to my powers. I rolled onto my side and played with the grass that was surrounding me.

Some days parts of my simply wish to be surrounded by fire and heat, but that's an unrealistic dream because my body wouldn't be able to withstand the heat. I just wish there was a spell that would allow me to do that.

"Felix!" I launch up almost screaming at the sound of my name. I scanned the area until I saw Jake, Andy and Sam all running towards me screaming. I was annoyed that they found me, but from their reactions looks like somethings going on. I sigh and stand up as they reach me.

"What's going on? Why are you guys acting mental?" Sam keeps a lookout while Andy pants to catch his breath back and Jake tries to explain the best he can.

"These little shits thought it would be a good idea to try some magic. I only tagged along to make sure that no one was going to get hurt—" Jake was cut off by Andy slapping his arm.

"Bullshit, you were in on it too!" Jake growled and shoved Andy back.

"That isn't the point. The point is there is now a pissed off fire demon heading our way and I honestly have no fucking clue as to how it didn't kill us all when it appeared." I sigh and rub my temples.

"So what do you want me to do?" I honestly don't know why I decided to give these fuckers powers. Jake sighed and began to relax.

"Do you have a spell or anything that might be able to help us out in this situation?" I growled annoyed.

"Why the fuck would I have something to fix your fuck up?! I was honestly just trying to have a day away from everyone, but then you had to go and fuck shit up and create a goddamn fire monster! You can't fight fire with fire!" I growl, getting far pissed off for the current situation. Jake growled in return.

"Well maybe if you fucking came and did the spell with us this might not have happened! You're the coven leader, you're the one that should know what the actual fuck is going on! You're supposed to know everything about magic! Isn't that all you ever do you, Freak?!" I froze, my body turning to ice. Sam stopped looking for the demon and turned to his best friend.

"Jake— dude— not cool." Andy nodded in agreement and Jake seemed to almost drop to the ground.

"Holy shit— Felix, that wasn't me. I swear, I would never say that. I cou— ahhh!" Jake's apology was cut off when he screamed. My body slowly grew colder and colder until I began to shiver.

"Dissiper de l'hôte!" A chilling voice echoed through the park as I figure dropped down next to Jake and I felt warmth flood back into my body, still shivering though. "Did it touch you?" She asks Jake, running her hands over his head and arms checking him.

"I-I don't know, maybe. I thought I got caught on something when we were running away. My shoulder." Jake mumbles and the girl moves his shirt to reveal a scorching handprint.

"It tagged you. I'll be a pain to get rid of. And don't worry, you boys didn't summon it. It's been preying on newly formed covens for the last few months. It's been hanging around this town for a while so I figured it was awaiting it's chance to attack. All it needs is a misbalanced spell and it will jump on as the missing element and go bat shit crazy." Jake nods and sits fully on the ground.

"Sorry, but how are you?" I ask the girl, finally getting my wits about me again. I watched as the girl stood up and stalked over to me, pressing against me lightly.

"The names Ruya. Nice to meet you, Felix Ferne. Great job on the coven by the way. It's full of idiots, but they're powerful idiots. I think you'll teach them well." She sighs and turns back around to face the group. "And I will be needing all of your help to stop this demon once and for all and add it to my collection."

Ruya's P.O.V

I finally cornered the demon in this little town of Bremin, but now that it's decided to actually go and attack literally the only coven in the goddamn hellhole of a town, it was relatively easy to track from there on out.

I knew to do my research before coming here. From the spirit blogs, people said that these guys had dealt with a different kind of this demon, ones that hunt of unbalanced elements and wreaks havoc to every witch possible, but they can only be dispelled and sent back to the astral plane.

Now the little fucker that I've been hunting is different. It preys on newly formed covens and destroys their emotional connections to each other with a simple touch, once the coven is split, it picks them off one by one. It happened to my coven and I refused to let it happen to another coven. Witches had families too.

"So how are we supposed to beat this thing if we don't even know what it is." The blonde— Jake— sighed at me grumpily and I rolled my eyes.

"The French called it a 'chasseur de sorcières'. It literally translates to 'witch hunter'. They specify in hunting down newly formed covens, killing them and absorbing their powers. It happened to the rest of my coven and I refuse to see it happen to another coven. You are one of the most powerful groups it has gone after and trust me, it will fuck with your heads." I sigh and search around through the thin layer of a shield I formed when I arrived to expel the demons hold on any of the boys.

"Okay, well we know what it is. Can't we just send it back to the in-between, like with the water demon you guys dealt with when I went missing?" The Asian— nope, that's racist— he was Andy, said to the group and I sigh.

"This demon travels with that place. It recharges it's powers there and while I'm keeping it away from us at the current time, that is going to go away very quickly and it will get in and unless we are ready we will lose." Felix sighed and touched my shoulder.

"What happened with your coven? Why didn't it affect you?" I sigh and look down.

"I was the first to be affected and the first for the spell to wear off on. I went to apologise to everyone else for the way I lashed out, when I found it sucking their souls out. I caused some damage before running away and hiding. I was the weakest out of our coven so I guess it didn't really want me. That was a year ago now, and things are different. I've trained with ancient French witches and the spirit blogs are great help since they see basically everything." I explained trying not to cringe.

"Spirit blogs?" Andy asked intrigued and I frowned.

"What? Your spirit element hasn't told you about it? Well, I guess other witches aren't supposed to know about it, spirits only. But that's not important. For now, we need to keep this fire element safe." I smile confidently and take Felix's hand, gripping onto it tightly.

"W-what do you mean?" I smile and keep holding Felix tightly.

"It will have learnt from its last lesson. Aim for the strongest first and take all their powers. When the demon attacked the other three, Jake was the strongest there so it went for him. It wanted to get him alone and to get him away from everyone so that it could take his powers. Once you take one from the coven it weakens the rest. You might not feel it physically, but your powers will feel it."

I hate how scared I felt right now, but I needed to do this. I was stronger now and I refused to let this fucker take another coven. I jumped softly when I felt Felix squeeze my hand back and I smiled gently.

"How ready can you boys be in a few minutes?" I ask and smile cheekily at them. They all shrug and I roll my eyes before I sigh. "Protégez avec un baiser." I mumble, my lips glowing before turning around and kissing Felix's lips, watching his entire body glow bright before fading.

"Uhhh— what was that?" The other three boys all ask in unison and I smirk.

"Let's just say it's a bit of extra protection." I grin cheekily and set a fireball in my hand. "It's show time." And I lower the defences.

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