Imagine for tjiftjaf

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Anne's P.O.V

Okay I was mad. That was normal... right? I sighed, what the hell was going on? It has been three days since Felix has even had a conversation with me and it was upsetting. Had I done something wrong? Felix and I had never fought before, but this isn't even a fight. I just... haven't talked to him... or seen him.

I wanted to know what was going on with Felix, but he wasn't much of an open person. If I were to ask him, he would probably just brush me off and change the subject. But I need to know! That's it! I am marching over to his place and demanding to know what the hell was going on with Felix!

I pulled on some black boots over my jeans and marched out my door, almost running down the street and around a block to reach Felix's house. Wait... now that I am here, what the hell am I going to say? Will he yell at me? Talk to me? Send me packing?

I swallowed nervously and walked up to the front door, playing with my wrists, trying to find some way to actually do this. No... I just need to do it. Once I know everything, I won't have to worry. I can finally be happy... well I guess.

I was finally at the front door, and I moved my hand up to knock, but the door was pulled open by Ellen, who grabbed my hand and dragged me in, slamming the door shut behind me. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?

"You need to talk to him." I turned to Ellen, who looked really paranoid.

"What the hell are you going on about Ellen?! Why the hell did you drag me in here without a word, and say I need to talk to him. Who the fuck is him?!" I was freaking out! Ellen sighed, relaxing slightly.

"Felix. He has locked himself in his room, and he won't talk to anyone, not even Oscar and everyone is worried. We want to make sure everything was fine, but since we didn't want to bother you, since you came here of your own free will, you have now signed up for the get into Felix's room mission." I froze... why the hell does she think I can get in there?

"Ellen... no you have the wrong person, Felix hasn't talked to me in days, as if I would be able to get in." Ellen sighed,

"I know, that's why we were choosing to send you in." I cocked my head,

"That doesn't even make any sense." Ellen rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand again and began dragging me to the backyard where Felix's room was.

"No, it doesn't. But we need you to try." I furrowed my brows and sighed.

"Fine, but if it goes wrong, then don't blame me." Ellen nodded, a slight smile on her face.

We were now at Felix's door, and I was not ready to try and go in. Ellen had let go of my wrist, and vanished before I even had a chance to get a word out. Now, I was stuck outside of Felix's door, waiting for something... anything.

I slowly raised my shaking hand to the door and knocked on it lightly. The door rattled at my knocks, then moved open. My eyes widened and I moved into the door way to see Felix, asleep on the couch. I smiled at him, slipping into the room, closing the door behind me, jolting the sleeping lion awake. Now that he was awake, I was scared.

"Why are you here?" I frowned and looked down at my feet. Why was I so scared?

"I um... you haven't... I just..." Felix rolled his eyes, sitting up.

"What?" I frowned, biting into my lip and I began playing with my wrists.

"What are you doing?" Felix frowned and moved over on the couch. He pat the space next to him, inviting me to sit down. I moved to sit next to him, keeping my eyes on my wrists.

"I just... I've not been feeling well for the past few days and I just... needed some time away." I scoffed, anger rising in my veins,

"A few days? Felix, it's been a week! What the hell has possessed you to believe that not talking to anyone is okay? We have all been scared, and it was only just today that I realised that you were blocking everyone out, and not just me." Felix frowned and pivoted his body to face me.

"Look Anne..." I cut him off.

"NO Felix! You don't get to say anything! You don't get a reason to lock yourself away from the world just because you feel like it! there are people outside of this room that care for you deeply, and all you are doing is saying that you don't care about them! That you only care about yourself, and I refuse to be friends with someone so selfish! You just..." it was Felix's turn to cut me off,

"Then go out with me!" I froze. The words I wanted to come out of my mouth refused to leave. I was... telling him off... and he goes and says something like that? I don't understand? "Go out with me. I can then learn what I am supposed to be like." Felix reached over, searching through my brown hair to grab one of my blue pieces.

"Felix... I don't..." Felix frowned, using his other hand, he grabbed onto both of mine. The size of his hand easily held the both of mine with ease. I looked into Felix's eyes with my own brown ones. I was scared... he was scared.

"Please... just help me Anne. I don't think I can do this without you. Whenever I feel bad, you're all I ever think about." I bit my lip, and I nodded.

"Okay." A weak smile was on my face and I turned red, matching the colour of Felix's cheeks too.

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