Imagine for MorwennaGreenleaf

453 19 14

*Dude... I honestly had no fucking idea what to write. I know what you wanted and I hope this is close enough* 

Jess's P.O.V

Crap, crap, crap! I'm late! And on my first day! Why the hell did I have to choose to start at a new school, on the day of a field trip! I sighed as my socks slid across the wooden floors of my hallway and I tumbled into the kitchen.

"Fucking hell. I'm so hungry, but I don't have time for food! You know what, fuck it!" I groaned as I ran to my kitchen cupboard, before crossing my hand across the glasses inside, and in return, I was given rows of vials.

I quickly grabbed three red vials, and placed them safely in my satchel. I grabbed a forth one, and downed it quickly, the bitter taste of raspberries on my tongue. I grabbed two blue vials and a black one, sitting them in the appropriate places. I closed and buckled my satchel as I tied it around my waist, the small pouch sitting on the side. If anyone asks, I'll just say I'm diabetic and it's my insulin.

I sighed as I ran to the front door, pulling my running shoes on before grabbing my keys from the bench and running out of the house without another word. Honestly, there was only one reason I was in this town, and that was because some of the locations in it had amazing magical properties and strengths that I could study.

It was hard, being alone all the time. Mum, she was always busy, so busy it sent her to her grave. And— Dad was never around in the first place. I sighed as I ran, adrenaline pumping through my body, making me feel good.

That was— until I was a bus pulling out of the school parking lot, and I had a feeling I was meant to be on that bus. Fuck! My body moved quickly and I cut off the bus before it could pull out onto the road. The door opened and a man came out.

"Are you okay? Why did you run in front of the bus like that?!" I panted slightly, my body suddenly tired. I groaned, annoyed. An amateur witch— I finally collected my breath and looked at the man.

"Sorry, it's my first day today. And I believe this is the bus for year ten science field trip. I have my forms and everything. My name is Jess." The Man's face grew in understanding,

"Ah, yes— Jessica. Sorry, but you know that you're quite late." I frowned and nodded,

"I know. I am still getting settled in at my home, I only moved in two days ago and I couldn't find my bag, I spent an hour this morning looking for it." Sweetness dripped from my voice and the Man nodded,

"Well yes, I believe that is a legitimate excuse. I see, well, hop on. I'll introduce you to the class." I nodded slightly, worried about the interaction that was about to go down. I'm not too good with people.

"Of course Mr—" The Man's eyes widened and he nodded,

"Sorry, it's Bates. Brian Bates." I nodded at him as we climbed into the bus, the door almost closing on my foot. I glared at the driver, but he was too in his own world to even notice. "Everyone! This is Jessica, she's new to the school and she will be joining us on the trip today. Jessica, why don't you go take a seat?" I nodded and my eyes scanned the bus looking for an available seat. There was one with no one in both seats and I went straight for it, sitting down on the aisle side, my bag slung off my shoulder and onto the seat next to me.

"Hey look, New Freak." I squinted my eyes shut and I took a deep breath. I sighed, reaching into my black hoodie and pulled out a small poultice, in an ocean blue bag. I rubbed it in my hands a few times and calmed myself. I slid it back into my jumped and my brain split away from reality as when I came to, we were piling off the bus and standing in isolated clumps all over the area.

"And that is everyone. No— except you Jessica." I jumped slightly at the use of my name and walked over to my teacher.

"So who will I be grouped with?" Mr Bates sighed and looked at his sheet.

"Well, since most of the groups are groups of five, I'll group you with Jake, Andy, Felix and Sam. That will make five. Sorry it's a group entire out of boys." I shrugged, not really fussed by the problem.

My hand drifted to my satchel and gripped it slightly. The things in here will keep me safe. "That is fine, Sir. I am not bothered by that." Bates nodded awkwardly at my weird response,

"She can't be in our group!" I jumped at the voice and turned around to see a gothic boy standing there, glaring at me and Bates.

"Do you have problem with it, Felix? I can give a week's detention if not." The boy— Felix growled before coming up and collecting a map and compass, shoving past me as he went. I sighed and followed him back to where three other boys were standing, one of which was one of the boys that was sitting behind me on the bus, the blonde one. He was— cute.

My face flushed and I turned away from him as we started on our walk through the Bremin Ranges, when I felt it. A powerful pulse washed over me, my hand reaching out to cling onto something as fear rushed through me. What the hell is going on here?!

"Are you okay?" I jumped and I turned to see the blonde boy, standing next to me. I was holding onto his arm like it was going to save my life. I let out a shaky breath and nodded slightly.

"Fine, just— got a bad feeling." The boy nodded at me oddly but continued on walking like I wasn't even holding onto him, which I was wondering why I still was.

"How did she feel that too?" A voice muttered low from behind me and I sighed. Stupid witch, he needs to learn. He isn't the only witch in this town anymore.

"Are you sure you're okay to keep going? We can turn and take you back if you want?" I shook my head,

"No, let's just finish the walk. It might help me out, fresh air can do someone a lot of good." The boy nodded and smiled slightly at me,

"I'm Jake." I bit my lip, my free hand rubbing the back of my neck, a sudden itch forming,

"Jessica. But you can call me Jess." Jake smiled at me and we kept walking when nausea washed over me and I gagged slightly.

"Jess!" My knees buckled and I forced myself to stand up. The magical tension in this area was tremendous.

"I'm fine. I just— maybe we should finish this walk quickly." Jake nodded and turned to Felix who was our map guide.

"There's a shortcut just up here." Jake groaned slightly,

"Nice one, Dracula." I frowned as my grip tightened on Jake's arm as we began walking through bushes and off the track. It wasn't long until we came to a dead end cliff. "Some shortcut!" I sighed when the ground crumbled beneath my feet and I went flying off the cliff, pulling Jake with me.

A scream tore from my body as the other three boys tried to grab a hold of Jake, but only fell down with us. The five of us crashed into the ground and I groaned slightly, my side hurting from hitting the ground.

"We need to find a way out of here." Someone spoke, but I was too out of it to know who it was, and I didn't really care. All I wanted to do was go home and wait till I had a bit more courage and come back here a second time. This was not the place to be with an amateur witch and three strangers.

We were walking for a long time, long enough for it to get dark and for me to have drunken one of my blue vials, trying to hide that as much as possible. We decided there was no use walking around in the dark, and pulled ourselves under the cover of some trees, while Felix lit up a small fire with his lighter when it started storming. I cried out when thunder rumbled under our feet.

"Come here." Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, holding me under his arm. I snuggled down into him, grabbing as much heat as possible, since it seemed hell bent on leaving my body, and I let the comfort wash over me. Hopefully things will be back to normal in the morning and I can go home and try and re-find my sanity.

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