Imagine for WillowRose99

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Maddy's P.O.V

I tried to not scream as I run from my parent's house in pain. It wasn't my house anymore, I couldn't stay there anymore. I needed to leave; I didn't have anything on me but my bruises and my phone. But it was turned off, I couldn't even think of my boyfriend Felix at the moment. I don't know why I was with him, well I do, I liked him, maybe even loved him. But he would hurt me, like everyone else. And he will be pissed off royally if he finds out I've run away.

I sobbed into my arm as I ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I know where I would end up. My secret place, it was simple a tree with a burrow underneath it hidden by the roots. It was big enough to fit two people and it makes me wonder if someone dug it out, or if it was animals.

Felix's P.O.V

My eyes widened as I watched Maddy get slapped across the face by her mum. I gasped as she dropped to the floor and started to run away. I stood still, the flowers I was going to give her in my hand. We had a fight the other day, and I wanted to make it up to her by taking her out and to all of her favourite places, but I guess things change.

I was furious, why the hell would you hit your daughter you fucking psycho! I glared at Maddy's mum as she stood in her doorway, a smug look on her face.

"Good riddance, I hope she leaves for good this time, I hate it when that little brat keeps on coming back." I scoffed; throwing the flowers I had to the ground and started off in the direction Maddy went. Man I forgot she was a runner for the school cross country team. I growled at my slowness, but smiled lightly when I saw Maddy's shape in the distance.

It had suddenly given me a boost of speed, making the figure bigger and bigger, until it disappeared. I growled and turned the corner and came to a park. I frowned looking around, but she was gone. How the hell does someone just completely disappear? I growled and started walking through the park calling out Maddy's name,

"MADDY! WHERE ARE YOU?" I called out; scared she was hiding from me, or had been kidnapped or something worse.

"Maddy, please come out, I'm scared something's happened to you. Are you hurt? Please just talk to me; I need to know you're okay.

Maddy's P.O.V

I sobbed with my sleeve in my mouth, muting most of the sounds but some whimpers still made it past. I was praying Felix wouldn't hear, otherwise he would hit me. Everyone hates it when I cry, that's why I don't, but today I broke. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I was pulled from my thoughts by footsteps walking and stopping directly in front of my hiding place. I whimpered not able to hold it in, and watched as Felix turned to face the tree looking down into the burrow and finding me. I look of anger, fear and love was on his face. I frowned looking away from Felix,

"Please leave, I don't want any trouble." I muttered, crawling to the back of the burrow. Felix sighed looking in before making his way in himself.

"Maddy, I saw what happened... are you okay?" I shook my head,

"No, I'm not okay. I'm sick of it. And I can't believe you had to see me crying, why did you follow me?" Felix bit his lip,

"I was scared as hell for your life after I saw your mother hit you across the face and you ran off. Why didn't you tell me Mads? I love you and I would have helped you." I gasped and snuggled into Felix's arms,

"I'm so sorry I didn't trust you, I was just scared you would hurt me. I just couldn't trust anyone, I couldn't get close. The only two I was supposed to trust was my parents, but they hated me." I was sobbing into Felix's arms, his body warm around my cold one.

"And then... I put my trust... in my last bo... boyfriend... and he just hurt me... and then I met you. And you were nice... and I began to... to trust you, and I was just so scared. I didn't want you to hurt me... like he did." Felix sighed hugging me tighter.

"I could never hurt you Maddy. I love you," I looked and smiled at him,

"I love you too Felix. Please don't hurt me," he nodded and leaned down and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back happy for the moment. He won't hurt me, I know he won't... I trust him.

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