The world was crumbling around me and I was so desperately clinging onto every remaining fragment. I missed the old me, the me that would work for a living and enjoy time outside of these walls. The me that would enjoy life, enjoy time with friends and family. Enjoy spending time with my boyfriend, planning our future, planning our dreams.

I love Oliver more than I could ever put into words, more than I have ever loved anyone; but this was always going to come to an end. An abrupt, shitty end that would see him ripped away from me. I thought I had my whole life planned, I thought I was set for the long run. Then he came along and tipped it all, I'll forever be grateful that I got to know him, that I got to love him and I got him to love me. That I will eternally be thankful for, but sometimes I wish I had never met Oliver Albert Harwood. 

He was the angel on my shoulder but the devil in my soul. I wanted to save us both from this inevitable heartache, but I can't. I can't leave him; I want him so badly that it hurts. I want to kiss him from sunrise to sunset, I want to feel every inch of his bare skin. I want him to feel every curve of mine, and never stop until we're both completely satisfied.

It has been so long since I had any kind of intimacy, any kind of anything beyond an extremely sexy kiss. I didn't crave it; I was too busy to notice I was even lacking it until now. Until I now realised just how much I needed Oliver in every way possible.

Of course the very notion was impossible and I hated it, I hated that nothing with him could ever be normal.

I sighed and forced myself out of these thoughts, they were unhealthy. Looking at the clock on the wall I knew that Oliver would be returning to his cell is around five minutes. This meant that I had five minutes to grab something to eat and drink before spending the rest of my afternoon curled up in the arms of the man I love.

I finished typing up a few bullet points in my notes and closed it down. I decided to quickly run and grab a quick bite to eat from the staff canteen before running back to Oliver's cell. I fobbed it open, sandwich in hand and didn't wait for the door to even close before wrapping my arms around him and encasing him in a tight hug.

He was taken aback slightly but soon wrapped his arms around me. His face buried in the crook of my neck, I held him so tight I thought my fingers might break "I love you Oliver" I mumbled into his shoulder "More than I think you will ever know"

"I know" I heard the smug even in his voice "Because I love you the same, if not more"

I smiled as we held each other, I didn't want to let go and miss a second of him.

I smiled as we held each other, I didn't want to let go and miss a second of him. I finally pulled back, Oliver rest his hand on my cheek; his thumb running lightly under my eye "How can I ever say goodbye to you?"

"Don't" I squeezed my eyes shut "Never say goodbye to me"

I gave a small laugh "You are the light that I needed to find in my life"

His hands began to wander up my top, his hands connected with bare skin beneath. The feel of his hand on me sent a shiver down my spine, he leant forward and kissed me, hard and deep. Desperate and hungry.

His hand wandered round my back, running along the scars that matched his. He pulled away and sighed "I need you more than I think I need air"

"Then take me" My voice came out in nothing but a breath of hot air

"I wish" He pulled back, looking down at his lap as his hands came back from under my top. I felt slightly rejected as he denied me everything that I needed. "I can't give you that here"

I understood this, I felt what he was saying. He laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling "Chloe, you have no idea how badly I want to rip your clothes off and have my way with you"

I shook my head and laid beside him, my sandwich discarded somewhere in the cell, my hunger forgotten. I looked up at him as he stared at the ceiling "Every god damn outfit I picture myself undressing you, pulling off every bit of fabric that keeps me from you. It's a cruel temptation" He rolled over and looked at me, his eyes bored deep into mine and I could see the raw, intense lust burning behind them "You are my eternal torture, knowing I can never just..." His eyes travelled down my body before he shook his head, biting his lip he sighed "I cannot let you stoop so low"

I understood, this was for me. I pressed and gentle kiss on his lips "You drive me insane, Oliver Harwood"

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled our bodies together "I am insane about you, Chloe Coulson"

A/N- This is a bit of a shorter chapter, just to give you a feel as to what is going on inside Chloe's head. Is she insane or is there more to the dreams ;) 

-Keeleigh xx

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