Chapter Twenty -- Eight: The Last Battle

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"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay" I let go and looked out the window. It was three in the morning.
"You should try to get more sleep" Aiden said.
"You should too" I looked up at him.
We both went back to sleep, but that night I could barely sleep. I was tossing and turning and opening and closing my eyes. Until I was laying on my side, facing the dresser, and Aiden put his arm over my waist. I didn't move or anything; I wasn't even startled about it. I closed my eyes and went to sleep, which was weird. I didn't understand how I was so comfortable with him -- I mean, I'm usually not. I usually push people away, but not him. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

The next morning, it was time. Aiden and I got ready. I put on my suit and my hair was pulled up in a ponytail. We would have to equipped out weapons in the car, since we were staying at a hotel.
We packed our bags full of weapons and got into the car quickly. Aiden turned the keys into the ignition and we were off into the last battle.
"I'm getting Peggy back" I said; breaking the silence.
"I know you will. You ready for this?"
He said.
"I was ready since that night."
I stared at the road ahead. There was one thing I didn't say to Aiden -- no matter the cost I was getting Peggy back. So if I die, I die, at least I died trying. We arrived at the signal Brianna was giving off. I knew it was a trap, but I was getting Peggy back.
My usual weapons were equipped and I jumped out the car.
This ends now, Brianna, I thought.
I stared at the building.
"Let's go" Aiden broke the silence.
Taking the back entrance, we stayed silent following the signal Brianna was giving off. The building was of course her lair. It was souped up with newest tech and was a lot bigger on the inside. It was impressive, but I'm not stupid. I hacked into her mainframe and shut down the cameras. The signal she sent was on purpose -- she wanted me to come.
Finally we make it to this huge room, full of computers and all sorts of tech. There was a balcony and stairs on both sides leading to it. The room was built with concrete and steel. Peggy was tied to a chair in the middle of the room. The room seemed empty but I had my gun ready. Being cautious is second nature.
I ran over to Peggy, "Peggy, hey, we're getting you out of here, I promise."
I pulled the gag out of her mouth,
"Alice, it's a trap, you need to leave."
"I'm well aware, I'm not leaving you, you're going with Aiden. Okay- you'll be fine."
Peggy kept shaking her head, with misty eyes, she was so scared. Peggy had her hands bound behind her back with high tech cuffs.
"Alice! So glad you got my invite!" I would recognize the psychopathic voice from anywhere.
I aimed my gun at her face, "Brianna, let her go, she has nothing to do with this."
"In fact she does, you love her and she was in the way. That makes her apart of all of this. Unless you give yourself up to me, then Peggy is free to go dance in the sun smelling roses."
"You're not getting anything."
"That stubbornness. I have it too, we're a lot alike you know. You could say we're....related."
"I'm nothing like you."
"Hmm, I beg to differ. See the night of the fire, you did lose your parents, but so did I."
I furrowed my eyebrows, "what crazy shit are you bantering about, now?"
"I'm you're long lost sister, Alice."
"No, Jackie died."
"Let's do a blood test, shall we."
A big screen appeared and it showed a match between my blood and Brianna's... a 100% match.
"No, you're not Jackie!"
"I'm not Jackie. I killed Jackie, Jackie's dead, it's Brianna now!" She laughed maniacally.
"Since you insist on doing this the hard way" she pulled out a gun out, aimed it at me, and pulled the trigger.
Everything suddenly turned super slow. The bullet was a two feet away from my face. Now, one foot, eleven inches... 9 inches.... eight inches..... five inches..... three inches.
I closed my eyes, and by some miracle, when I opened them the bullet was in between my thumb and my index finger.
"Well since my soldiers aren't here I guess we're going to plan B!" She pressed a button and the whole building started callaopsing. A huge piece of the roof fell on Peggy.
"Peggy!" I ran over to her.
"Alice no!" Aiden yelled, but I didn't listen, as I said before, Peggy was getting out of here whether I was dead or not.
I pulled Peggy's body out from the rubble, or at least half of it. I checked her pulse...she was gone. In that moment, everything was silent. I was devastated and angry. I screamed to the top of my lungs.
Aiden grabbed my arm, "Alice we have to go."
"I don't want to leave her, we can't leave her! And Brianna is getting away, I can't let her get away, this was supposed to be the last battle!"
"Alice it is too risky, c'mon!"
"I don't care!"
"You could die!"
"At this point does it matter if I live or die?!"
"Yes you idiot!"
"Because I love you!"
He pulled me from off the ground and we ran toward the back entrance.
I wasn't letting Brianna get away, after all that she's done. We made to the back entrance, I stopped.
"Aiden," I said.
He turned around, "What?"
"I love you too" I kissed him and pushed him out the door. I locked it and I sprinted towards the direction Brianna went off to. I came to a crossroads, I didn't know where she went. The building was collapsing at a faster rate.
Breathe, Alice, breathe. Focus.
I breathed in, closed my eyes, and listend.
"You idiots!" I heard her, Brianna, she was shouting at her phone.
"The helicopter needs to come right now! The building is falling and I could die!"
She screamed, I opened my eyes and sprinted into the direction she came from.
Once I found her she was still screaming at her phone, that's when I finally took the shot. She wasn't my sister anymore, but I was still shaking.
I closed my eyes, you can do this.
"Hey Brianna!" I screamed. She turned towards me and I pulled the trigger, and she finally dropped. It was over.

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