Chapter Ten: They Just Keep Coming, Don't They?

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      I tried to get up and out of bed, and every time I did, Aiden would figure out sooner or later. The longest I was on my own was two hours. Hallelujah for those two hours. Usually when I'm asleep I'm alone, but he usually checks on me time after time. I tried EVERYTHING not to fall asleep. I stayed up to five forty-five just trying to. Did it work? No, I slipped into sleep and another nightmare.

       I was in a darker room then before. It was as cold as Antarctica.
I let out a breath and hugged myself. My breath came out in a warm fog.
I looked around. Emptiness. I blinked, and the emptiness turned into New York City. On that night. I stayed right there. Just standing.
Only a memory...only a memory....this isn't real...
A man walked straight through me like I was a ghost.
Holy mother of God.
What kind of game are you playing?
I stared straight ahead.
No way am I taking the same path as before. Time to explore.
I tried to walk across the street. Instead, I bump into a blank invisible wall.
Okay, well then, guess I have to walk straight forward.
I took a deep breath.
No, I'm going to fight this. You are NOT making me do what I don't want to.
Oh, look, it's the sounding bell of my nightmares! You're late.
"You don't want to go the way I tell you? Let's try this!"
The nightmare raced through and fast forwarded. Then, I was just in an old brick building.
"Let's do a little experiment!" She said pleasurably. I could imagine the smirk on her face. I wanted to punch it in her face.
"What kind of experiment?" I asked.
"OH! You'll see! HEHEHE!" She said.
I looked around.
What's going to happen? I thought.
I blinked and the scene shifted to a little creek with a bunch of flowers around.
Is this what's supposed to hurt me? Really? This is such a disappointment.
Then I saw little me. The little blonde girl that use to not give a damn about what happened in the world. So tiny and small. I used to wonder what I used to be. How I used to be. I don't even remember.  I wish I did. She was chasing a butterfly towards a flower bush in a little pink sundress. I followed her; smiling. She was laughing her head off having a good ole time. She kept trying to catch the butterfly. I crossed my arms and smiled at the sight of it.
Then the cute, sunny, cheery day, turned into dark and terrifying real quick. The clouds turned grey and the sky turned dark. I looked at little me.
She was still chasing the butterfly; not a care in the world that it wasn't sunny anymore.
A man was behind the flower bush; looking like a creep and had a gun. And little me was heading straight towards him so unaware of everything.
"What are you doing?! Don't you see this?! RUN! RUN INSIDE! ALICE RUN INSIDE!" I yelled. She didn't listen.
Dammit little me.
I ran right in front of her as the man behind the bush was ready to shoot. I stood straight in front of her. He fired and the bullet went straight through me. I turned around and tried to tackle little me down, but it didn't work. I went straight through her like a ghost.
"NO! DAMN IT! NO! RUN! ALICE RUN!" She heard the shot and turned around but froze. Time seemed to slow down. The bullet went straight through her head and she started falling to the ground. I started getting up. And then it all went black.

   I took a gulp of breath in and sat straight up. It was raining outside and really hard too. I looked around.
Did I scream? God I hope not.
I waited a little bit. Aiden didn't come up the stairs or anything. So I guess I didn't scream. I got up -- as soon as my feet hit the cold floor I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
Aiden stood at the doorway "What's wrong?"
"Nothing" I looked at the ground, "just can't sleep."
"It was a nightmare, wasn't it?" He said.
I sighed "No."
"Yes it was" he sat beside me on the bed, "now tell me."

HEY GUYS! I know this is short but a second chapter update is coming up soon, I promise. And I'm really sorry for updating so late, I had school and stuff going on. Plus I really want to thank everyone for supporting me and reading my books. I know I'm not the best or that great, but thanks! VOTE, COMMENT, AND FOLLOW! I love you my darlings! 💖❤

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