Chapter Thirteen: That Stupid Hat

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We had hot wired the car and already started driving on the road super fast because we someone saw us, and we almost got caught by the mall cops.

I wanted to get the Mustang in the Walmart Parking lot, but Aiden decided to go with a low profile and pick the Volkswagen Beetle. When he first saw it, he punched my arm and said "Punch Buggie."
He had a smirk going on as he looked at me from the side.
Oh so you wanna play like that, huh?
I punched back and said "Punch Buggie no punch backs."
"You got me" he surrendered.
Once we got in the car I found a Santa Christmas hat. With everything that's been going on, I forgot that Christmas was four days away.
"Wait a second, Christmas is four days away" I said; picking up the hat.
"Mmhm" Aiden said, "It is. You should put it on -- the hat I mean."
I frowned at him "I'd look ridiculous."
"All the more reason" he smirked.
I put the hat on him forcefully.
"Hey!" He arms flew up in the air. I laughed.
Our little moment was interrupted by a woman yelling "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CAR?!"
We suddenly stopped, and I jumped in the car real quick. Aiden stepped on the gas and for the split moment he got he put the hat on my head.
We sped out of Walmart and, now, we're on the road driving 50 miles an hour instead of 90.
"You know the hat does suit you" he said and I realized I was still wearing it. I took it off.
"Why'd you take it off?" He asked.
"I forgot I had it on" I said.
"That's not a reason."
"Good enough reason."
There was a silent pause.
"I was going to celebrate Christmas" Aiden said, " I had a tree and even had a present for you."
I looked at him "A present for me?"
"Of course."
He was so smooth about it.
"Wouldn't be kind of ridiculous to have Christmas in the middle of all of this?"
"Wouldn't it be ridiculous not to? I mean, in the middle of all the chaos we should have something to make us happy."
The man had a point. I fell silent and just nodded. I looked out the window. It was cold and my breath felt warm and fogged up the window. I started to go back to a memory on a Christmas morning with my family. Dad handed out all the presents and Mom had her video camera, boy that thing was always in her hands, Jackie was opening up her presents which were tickets to the next Jonas Brothers concert. Man, she went crazy over those three boys.
"Alice? Alice? You okay?" Aiden said; interrupting my thoughts.
"Hm?" I turned my head.
"You okay?" He asked again.
"Yes, I'm fine" I replied.
"You don't look fine, there is a tear falling down your cheek."
I was crying? I was so into my memory I was crying. I wiped the tear away.
"Ugh, allergies" I lied, "change of seasons." I put on a smile for him to believe me.
"Okay" he didn't sound very convinced but it would hold him off long enough for him to forget about it.

It was night time and we were still on the road. How far was this place?
I was starting to nodd off.
No I can't go to sleep! Stay up, Alice, stay up! I kept telling myself, but of course it didn't work. I fell right alseep. The thing was I didn't even have a nightmare. I had a dream. I dreamed of my family and I that Christmas morning. Can you believe it?! I had a dream?! A dream! It may not be that important but it's important to me!
I woke up and there was a blanket on me.
Where did this come from?
And that stupid hat was on me again.
I took off the hat and threw it in the backseat. Where was Aiden?
I looked around. Number one rule, always look at you're surroundings. We were at some kind of Stop 'n' Go thing. Aiden hopped back into the car, which startled me for a moment. It was freezing and the cold air hit my neck. He closed the car door and
handed me a cup steaming hot flavorful something "Hot Chocolate?"
I should've known it was hot chocolate. I took the cup and took a sip.
"You might not wanna --"
Too late, I already took the sip and it burned like hell on my tongue.
"Mother of --" I stopped myself and put my hand over my mouth.
"Sorry, I tried to tell you" he said.
"It's fine" I mumbled. My hot chocolate steam was fogging up the windshield because I was so close to it. Damn this car is too small for my long legs.
Aiden brought out a brown paper bag "Here's a bagle for you, and a bagel for me" he handed me a bagel and grabbed himself one out of the bag. We ate bagels and drank our hot chocolate for a while. The bagel tasted a little bland but it was something to fill our stomachs.
And off we went again driving to this far away safe house.


I know! I know! I haven't updated in a while! And I know this is short! But I'm tired and I had a lot of things to do, plus my phone is dying and I need to get it to a charger ASAP before it dies on me. But thank you guys so much for the views! More than 400 views! Guys that's awesome! Thank you so much! I love you guys so so so much! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! Love you my Darlings! 💖❤

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