Chapter 10- Cool Cars, Flaming Knuckles

Start from the beginning

That look was never good.

"We should come with you guys on your road trip!" Carina addressed the guys but was looking at me.

I was right, it wasn't good.

"We should not." I protested.

My protest was in vain though because it was drowned out by the shouts of agreements that came from the boys.

Apparently it didn't matter what I thought. They're living in my house, eating my food but they don't seem to give a damn about my opinion. I'm going to hit someone really soon.

I tuned out as Carina made plans with the boys about the trip.

I knew exactly what she was trying to accomplish. She wanted me to get back together with Blake. The silly girl still believed in happy endings. I was going to let her. I was going to let her have the dreams that I wish I could still have.

But I wouldn't- no I couldn't get back together with Blake.

It was too dangerous.

"Does that sound good Dannie?" Carina asked me.

Rather than admit I wasn't paying attention, I mindlessly agreed. "Yes, perfect."

Carina grinned evilly at me knowing perfectly well that I had no idea what I was agreeing to. "Great! We leave tomorrow. Up nice and early. We have tickets on a 5:30 am train."

"Where are we going?" I asked hesitantly.

Carina just smiled. "The East Coast."

I suddenly saw a new side of Carina. Not the hopeless romantic I've grown to become use to, but as a mastermind genius.

She didn't just want me to get back together with Blake, she wanted to make me remember my old self. To do this, she was doing the only thing she could think of.

She was going to bring me to California.

She was going to bring me home.

"I don't care what you think. Tacos will always be my favourite food." Said Blake out of nowhere.

Oh I know Blake.

Why do you think I made them in the first place?

I took a walk after dinner to clear my mind. It was unsuccessful. I kept thinking about the mess I was currently in: I was lying to everyone around me, I was going on a road trip with people I was lying to, and one of the people on the road trip will be my ex-boyfriend. Who does not know who I am. Oh, and I'm a dead person. That sucks too. Why am I even going on this road trip anyway?

I shivered from the cold seeing as I was only wearing leggings and a tank top.

I kicked a nearby dumpster to relieve some of the frustration I had but did not receive as much of a release as I wanted.

What has my life come to? I don't exist anymore. I'm nothing.

I need a purpose.

I needed a fight.

My slow, wandering steps turned to fast, searching steps as I made my way to a run-down part of the city. Once there, I felt relief already as I saw a street fight already in action. I walked to join the crowd, making my way to the front. There had been many times in the past couple months where I'd stumbled across underground fighting rings such as this but urged myself to continue walking. Beating up members who were on steroids would have only attracted attention to myself which had been something I had desperately been avoiding. But now I failed to see any reason why I needed to remain undercover. All my hard work to stay under the radar and it's all blown in less than two weeks. To say I was pissed was an understatement.

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