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(Continuation of Wonwoo's POV)

Okaaaaaay. Mingyu is mad. I know. I can feel it. I can't focus on the other members when he is staring at me like that. So I only smiled at the members and went to Hiphop unit room. I lay on my bed that I kinda missed and I looked for the last book that I was reading to distract myself. Mingyu's stare won't get out of my mind.I know I left him earlier but it is not something a Kim Mingyu would get mad at. So why? Is he mad that I returned? Maybe I shouldn't have believed Jun that all the members miss me. Ugh. While I was busy pretending that I can understand what I am reading the lights suddenly went out in our room. I was about to stand up to check the whole dorm but someone suddenly pinned me down. WTH?! "W-who are you?" I asked but my voice is shaking. The person did not answer but fuck. I know something bad is going to happen so I tired to push the person again but no use. He even pushed me harder that I can feel my back being pressed down hard on my own bed. "S-stop now or I'll call Seungcheol hyung." I tried to threat him because I know this person is one of our members. Probably trying to play games on me. "Then call him." That voice. What is he doing?

"What are you trying to do? Stop it. You're hurting me." He loosen his grip a little but my body won't move now that I know who is the person holding me. Wonwoo! Move! It's just him! "I will not let you run away now Wonwoo. Not now." His voice is close to my ear and its giving me shivers. "Mingyu, I'm not going anywhere. I came back so what is your problem. Let me go." I tried explaining myself and I don't know why I should. "Yes. You came back. But you will leave again." He is still mad at me because of that. I should've known. "Is that the reason why you're mad at me just awhile ago? Then maybe I shouldn't have chosen to come back when Jun asked me too." I heard him groaned and moved even closer to me. "That is why I am mad. You listened to Jun but you don't listen to me."  What? What is he saying? "Is that it Mingyu? You're being childish. Let me go. Now."

I was about to push him again since his grip is a little loose and he finally release me.. That's what I thought.. Because before I can even open the door he is standing behind me and said something.. "Is that so Jeon Wonwoo? Tell me? How did Jun tame you? Do you want me to tame you too so you will also listen to me?" Tame? What does he mean? What is he trying to say? "Mingyu, will you please get to your point? I don't want to play games with you right now." I turned on the light and there I saw a cold eyes staring back at me. But what he said made me feel like my whole body turned cold. "Hey Wonwoo, I have a question? Do you think it would be better if we never met?

                    **END OF WONWOO'S POV**
Mingyu's POV

"Hey Wonwoo, I have a question? Do you think it would be better if we never met?" Those words suddenly came out of my mouth because I am so mad with what I saw awhile ago. "Sometimes I think that maybe I should have never met you so I wouldn't have to think and I won't have a hard time accepting the fact that you are leaving." Wonwoo stay at his place and he is staring at me. I don't even know what he is thinking right now. "You're right. Maybe I really don't belong in these industry. After all I'm an introvert that's why I think I got tired pretending infront of thousand of people. Including you." He left me after saying those words and I can feel tears. I tried to wipe it away but his words hurt me. Including me?! I ran outside our room to follow him. I saw Wonwoo sitting next to Jun and it made mad as hell. Why does he stick to Jun?! I am his bestfriend! All hell loose when I shouted and the members were shocked. "Jeon Wonwoo! What do you mean including me?! Are you really that tired of us?! Then leave! We don't fucking need you here! Why would you stay until the end of promotion?! Leave if you want to!" Seungcheol hyung amd Minghao tried to stop me, and Jun is covering Wonwoo from me. I pointed my fingers at Jun because I am so pissed off of him. "And you! Why did you return him?! He could've gone somewhere else. He is the one who said it himself that he don't belong here! Stop convincing people who does not even wanted to be convinced!!"

Wonwoo is looking down from all the words that I am saying but what can I do? That is what I feel right now. "Just. Just leave now Wonwoo. Stop making it hard for all of us. Please." After I said those words Wonwoo lifted his head and looked at me. He is crying. I made him cry. "Is that what you think I should do Mingyu? Maybe you're right. Why should I stay of I can leave now right? Thanks for the advice." He left again. And I made him left. After Wonwoo left Jun pushed me. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MINGYU?! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT!" I faced him "He is going to leave sooner or later. So stop it Jun." Jeonghan hyung suddenly spoke "But Mingyu, don't you think Wonwoo has his own reasons? We could've talked to him first for us to understand." Everyone is siding with Wonwoo. I know I'm wrong but... "Mingyu is right."  We all looked at the person who spoke. "Mingyu is right. If he needs to leave why stay longer right?" I saw Minghao look at Soonyoung with disbelief in his face. "Can you hear yourself Soonyoung? You're talking about Wonwoo. Your bestfriend." Minghao asked Soonyoung. "If he stay longer he will be making more memories with us. And I don't want that. Making memories is fun but after that what's next? Longing." All of us stayed silent from what Soonyoung said. He is right. It will just hurt him. All of us.

"All of you know nothing. Wonwoo don't want this." Jun spoke and we all look at him. "Do you know something Jun? You keep saying things like you know something that we don't." He walked towards the Perf. Unit room but before he went inside he said something. "I respect Wonwoo so I want him to be the one to tell us his reason." So Jun know Wonwoo's reason. How can he tell Jun but not to me or Soonyoung? "Let's just wait for Wonwoo to open up to us and stop pressuring him." Maybe Seungcheol hyung is right. I am pressuring Wonwoo. Now my conscience is eating me. I need to do something. "HYUNG! I'M GOING OUT!" I grab my jacket and ran outside before Seungcheol hyung can stop me.

I need to find Wonwoo.


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