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"I don't know Minghao. I'm scared. Scared of loosing him but at the same time scared of rejection." Mingyu likes Wonwoo. No, he LOVES Wonwoo. The whole world knows except for Wonwoo who can't see it. "Mingyu, you can't just be friends forever. Acting like a friend to the person you love is the most stupid thing in the world. You are not just hurting yourself you are also missing opportunities." Minghao keeps telling Mingyu to confess because he knows that Wonwoo also love Mingyu but he can't tell Mingyu because he want them to realize it on their own. "I know what you mean Myungho, it's just that everytime I try to confess my feelings I always get shrouded by the fear of being rejected." Minghao is trying to control himself because he wanted to hit his bestfriends head so that fear would leave it's body. "Mingyu! Will you please stop saying that?! Have you already tried confessing? No! So tell me how will you know that you're going to get rejected or not? I confessed to Soonyoung eventhough I thought he was straight. Because I don't want my feelings to be wasted. And you Mingyu! You who loves Wonwoo eversince you laid your eyes on him is trying to tell me that you're just going to keep hiding the fact that you love him? No Mingyu. It's worth the try atleast you know that your long time love for him won't go into waste. Do you understand me?"

After Minghao say those words he left Mingyu all alone in the kitchen so Mingyu can think it over. He went back to bed carefully because he don't want to wake up Soonyoung but he's to late.. "Hmm? Where have you been?" Soonyoung is already awake so Minghao caressed his lovers face "I just went to the kitchen baby." Soonyoung just nodded his head and went back to dreamland again so he gave him a kiss on the temple of his head and he also went to bed. But Minghao really hope that his two friends will finally realize their love for each other. Meanwhile, Mingyu is left at the kitchen thinking. Thinking about what Minghao said. Is it really worth the try? He keep asking his self why is he so afraid? He will never know unless he try right? But he also thought that what if Wonwoo doesn't like him? Because if Wonwoo does why didn't he made a move on Mingyu right? That is bugging Mingyu inside. And another thing is that they are bestfriends. He doesn't want their friendship to be destroyed now that Wonwoo is leaving Seventeen, that is the only label that he can hold on to.

The next day came and Wonwoo wake up on his own bedroom. When he checked the time it is already 8am, it is the first time that he woke up that late because at the dorm he always wake up at 6am. So he went down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast but he saw his dad who is seating on the kitchen table reading morning paper while drinking coffee. "Good morning dad. Don't you have work today?" His dad saw him and smiled at him "Oh! Good morning son. I told my secretary that I will be staying at home today since you're here. I want to spend another day with you because I know that today is the last day of you're vacation right?" Yup. His dad is right, today is the last day of his vacation and then back to practice then comeback. "You are leaving alot of work to your secretary dad. Better make it up to her ok? Why don't we stay home for today dad? I don't feel like going out today." His dad gave him a childish frown and he smiled at his dad. "But Wonwoo! I prepared alot for today!" He just smiled at his dad who is whining like a child "Please dad? You also need to rest." His dad frowned but then he smiled again and agreed with his son. "Fine fine. Introvert Wonwoo strikes again and I can't win against it." Wonwoo laughed at what his dad said.

Wonwoo and his dad spend the day in their home. They played alot of board and card games which they both enjoy because Wonwoo got his intelligence from his dad and that is no doubt. Wonwoo felt like this is the happiest day for him. Just him and his dad having fun which they did not get to do. They are now eating afternoon snack at their garden when his dad ask him something. "Hey Wonwoo, there are alot of girls that you meet right? Is there anyone who caught your attention?" He froze on his sit becaue he haven't told his dad about him being gay."I-it's a secret first dad. Hehehe" He gave his dad an awkward laugh "Well if that's what you said. But when you already find the one don't forget to introduce her to me ok?" Wonwoo wanted to tell his dad but he is scared that he might disappoint his dad now that he is the only son whose with him and it turns out his gay. How can he give grandchildren to his dad? Adoption? He just let it slip first since that is still a long way to go. "Whatever dad. I'm busy now so I don't have time about those kind of things right now." His dad agreed with him "I understand. And you're having a comeback soon right?" Last comeback for him. "Yeah. It's in two weeks. You better promote us dad." His dad threw a piece of bread to him "When did I never promote Seventeen? I'm your number one fan!" He raised his eyebrow to his dad "No dad. You are Mingyu's number one fan. I'm only second for you." His dad stayed silent. "Oh. You're right! I like Mingyu better. Thanks for reminding son." Wonwoo's jaw dropped because he thought his dad would deny it. "How dare you dad! I'm your son. You should be my number one fan! I hate you." His dad laughed because Wonwoo turned into a sulky child. "I was just kidding. You're my favorite ofcourse. But still Mingyu is the most handsome for me." Wonwoo just rolled his eyes. "Whatever dad. Let's settle this in a scrabble." His dad laughed and that is what happened before the night came and it's time for Wonwoo to comeback to the dorm.

His dad decided to drive him back that night so he let him because he knows that his dad will throw a tantrum if he didn't let him. When they arrived at the dorm Wonwoo's heart won't stop beating fast because he is scared to go inside. He wanted to tell his dad that he wanted to stay back at their house until the promotion ends. But his dad will get nosy so yeah. "Ok. We're here. Take care son. And tell the boys goodluck on your comeback ok?" Wonwoo just nodded but then his dad saw someone outside their car. "Oh! Is that Mingyu?!" Wonwoo's eyes widen because it is really Mingyu walking back to their dorm with groceries on his hand. His dad honk his car horn to get Mingyu's attention and he succeded because Mingyu saw them. Wonwoo thought. Well fuck.



-Hey guys! I'm so sorry if I did not update this past few days. Because our internet got cut. But i have written alot of chapters and I promise I will publish all of it so I can make it up to all of you! I'm so sorry 🙇🙇💜💜

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