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"Why are you leaving Seventeen..."  All the members are holding their breathes when Seungcheol finally called out a name. "Wonwoo." Everyone turn their heads to Wonwoo's direction. All eyes on him. No one dare to speak. They are all waiting for Wonwoo to say something. But he just look at them too. "Wo-wonwoo? Why?" Hoshi finally pulled himself to speak but he is in the verge of tears. "Wonwoo! We've been together for like god knows how long! So why?! Why didn't you tell me?! Don't you trust me?!" Hoshi shouted while he is crying. All the members are still looking at Wonwoo but he just stand up and left. Without any words, Wonwoo went outside of their dorm. He left the members and walked outside to breathe, he didn't expect that the president will tell Seungcheol the news that fast. He wants to keep it first but he thought maybe the president just wanted the members to be prepared for his departure. He pass by the convenience store that they always visit ever since they are trainees. Memories flash infront of him. He wanted to cry but tears won't come. When he is about to move on from walking someone called him.

"WONWOO HYUNG!" Wonwoo heard the voice of the last person he wanted to see right now. Mingyu. He walked faster ignoring the the young one. But Mingyu is fast and caught up to him. "Hey hey hey. Slow down." Wonwoo flinched when Mingyu pulled him by his arms. "Wonwoo. Talk to me. Atleast now." He did not dare to look at Mingyu because he knows that once he look at him, his tears will betray him. "Mingyu, just let go." He is trying his best not to choke from controlling his emotions. "No, I won't. I don't want to let go because I know you will run away from me. Again." Wonwoo stayed silent but he is still pulling his arms from Mingyu's grip. But Mingyu is too strong for him. "Mingyu, please. I want to be alone for now." All the emotions that he is bottling up inside suddenly burst when Mingyu pulled him into a hug. "Why Wonwoo? Why?" Wonwoo did not answer because tears are falling from his eyes. Mingyu's hug makes him want to just cry all night. Mingyu knows that he will not get any answer from Wonwoo so he just stayed still and let Wonwoo cry onto his chest.

When Wonwoo is tired from crying Mingyu is still not letting go so he did. "Wonwoo, why do you have to leave?" Mingyu asked him but he just looked at him again and a small smile formed on his lips. "I'm tired." He gave a simple answer that made Mingyu confused. He began to walk again and left Mingyu, but Mingyu followed him and walked with him through the cold night. They have been walking for like an hour but no one dare to speak. Mingyu is either walking beside him or behind him. "I'm going to miss this." Wonwoo blurted out of nowhere. "Yeah. Me too. You, me walking without words because you never speak unless I joke around and you are going to insult my lame joke." Wonwoo smiled from the memory that they are reminiscing. Mingyu walked beside him and wrapped his arms around Wonwoo while looking at the sky. "There are alot of stars tonight. I bet it is not going to rain. You thought me that. I'm going to miss you and your nerdy comments.I'm going to miss your silence. I'm going to miss how I always see you in your bed reading a book with your earphones on. I'm going to miss your deep ass laugh. I'm just simply going to miss you Wonwoo."

The words that came from Mingyu made Wonwoo feel sad again. But he knows he still needs to leave. It's a hard for him but he has no choice. Wonwoo looked at Mingyu. Yes. He is still the Mingyu he loves. The Mingyu who gives him enough strength just by simply smiling. He scanned the young one and all he can see is sadness in it's expression. "Mingyu, I want to go home. But I'm scared." Mingyu faced him "Don't worry. I'm sure they are all asleep by now. Let's go. I know you're already tired." Wonwoo just smiled at him and they walked back to their dorm together. Once they are back at the dorm Mingyu checked first if there are still some members who are awake. He signalled to Wonwoo to come in because the living room is clear. "Hoo. Now I can finally feel warmth." Mingyu said "If you're cold why did you not tell me. We could have went home earlier." Wonwoo said.

Mingyu looked at him and smiled. "I know you need your time. You need it more than I do. What's wrong with walking in the cold night if I'm with you?" Wonwoo can feel his cheeks warming up from what Mingyu said. He faced the young one but he did not expect that Mingyu is also looking at him. Silence eat them. They are staring into each others eyes. Is it the right time? Wonwoo thought. But if he did not do it now then when? Now that he is departing from the group. They are in a very awkward space. Infront of the main door and their only source of light is the kitchen light which is very dim because it is far from the main door. Wonwoo can feel his heart wanting to jump out of his chest right now. He can't keep up with the tension right now so he decided to just go inside fast. But something pulled him back. And there he saw, Mingyu looking straight into his eyes while pinning him onto the wall. Is it finally going to happen? Is this the time? Wonwoo don't know what to feel right now. There are butterfiles in his stomach but his thoughts are scattered. He don't know what to do so he just closed his eyes and waited for something to happen.




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