“Thank you Lady Eméra, for everything.” Sigyn said, turning even though the girl’s nibble fingers were still untying the dress. Snatching the girl’s fingers, the two smiled at each other.

“It is not required for you to refer to me as a Lady. I am not of any nobility to be referred to as such.” Eméra turned Sigyn around again so she could finish removing the dress.

Handing her another dress, a long violet one that had bits of gold weaved into the shear fabric that fell over her arms, the chamber maiden began to help Sigyn put this dress on. Sigyn's blond curls shook like a rippling stream at the words of her friend. 

“Oh my dear Eméra, you are worth so much more than you think! You are one of my dearest friends and no title will ever define you as such to me, so do not let it define you.” 

The maiden smiled again, handing Sigyn a necklace Theoric had given her and of course, her engagement band.

“Thank you my Lady. I shall take these to the seamstress and see you later tonight?” 

Sigyn merely nodded as an answer and bid goodbye to her friend and was once again alone in her chambers.

Her fingers slid over the books, touching each spine as the afternoon light streamed in behind her from the balcony. Each book she had seen the spines countless times, though she had only read a few. Her fingers felt the magic that seemed to lie within the spines; no doubt from Loki’s touch.

A soft and sad smile graced her lips for she quite missed the mischievous man clad in green. It wasn’t that she missed his voice or anything of that nature, she honestly missed his silent presence where they could go hours without talking and not have an awkward silence. This something Theoric never seemed to master, not that she loved him any less, she just missed it.

“Find anything interesting my darling?” Theoric’s voice murmured quietly as his strong arms wrapped around her torso, his chin resting on her shoulder.

“Mmm perhaps. I thought you were off with Volstagg and Hogun and were due back in an hour’s time?” 

Turning in his arms, she worked her eyes up from his armored chest to his scruffy chin to the scar that ran over his left eye and then at last, his crystal clear blue eyes. Blinking a few times, she stared again at his eyes something was off… weren’t they normally hazel? But Theoric’s words drew her away from pondering this thought anymore. 

“I was, but I had a meeting last minute and could not attend. I thought I might accompany you to the Bifrost to meet Volstagg and Hogun.” 

Sigyn smiled, giving her warrior a small peck on the lips, grinning when she pulled away as he snagged another kiss from her. His lips held hers captive for what was longer than he probably should have, but it didn’t seem to matter as neither one wished to stop. A rumbling sound outside the balcony reminded both of them that Hogun and Volstagg would be here any minute, causing them to reluctantly pull apart.

“Why must our time always be cut short?” Theoric mumbled, their foreheads pressed together.

“In due time, we shall have more than enough time my love.” Their smiles mirroring each other; the truth to her words being their only thoughts for several minutes. 

“Come, let us allow you to attend to your duties, we would not want anyone to think poorly of you, if that were even possible.”

Sigyn rolled her eyes and let Theoric pull her through the hallways down towards the Bifrost.

Disguised Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now