Chapter 32- Our time is running out

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Liya's POV

Desmond seemed extremely wary of me since I killed all of those guys. I understood where he was coming from,  but it wasn't my fault.

I shook my head, and headed toward where the place for the apple was.

I flicked out one of my blades and clicked a few mechanisms in the hole, and it fell open. Sure enough, sitting inside, was the apple itself.

I smiled a little bit, knowing that now we could get rid of it and it would be okay. I would be okay.

"It's not over yet!" A voice sounded from behind us.

I groaned. Nothing is ever simple.

"What do you want Vidic?" I shouted at the man.

He was the one in the hood who was on the walkie talkie. But why was he after the apple?

"I want the apple."

"What for? What benefit will it bring you?" Desmond asked, clearly annoyed too.

"With that apple, I can do what I like. I can rule an empire, I can have my own army! Now you can either go with me, or against me." He smirked.

I guessed that all of those stories of men desperate for the apple for nothing but greed were true.

"And if you stand in my way," He flicked out a pair of blades," I will not hesitate to dispose of you."

"You don't scare me, Vidic." I said, defiantly. When in reality, I wanted nothing more than to run away.

He laughed, and came surging toward me. I flicked my blades out and we begun in a long-winded fight to defend ourselves from the other's attack.

"Silly girl, do you really think you are a match for me?" He taunted.

I noticed that Desmond was nowhere to be found. I needed him right now, so why was he not here?

"Old man, you are nothing. I could fight petty little battles like this all day!" I shouted, and kicked him to the ground. One of his blades was snapped, and he was useless with just one.

"You'll never win, Vidic." I said, triumphant in my victory.

He laughed maniacally, and produced a shiny gun from inside his jacket.

"You'll never win, Liya."

"LIYA!" I heard Desmond shriek.

I could hear alot of footsteps in the backround too, letting me know that he had left to get help.

I went wide eyes, watching as a bullet exited the barell of his gun and cut through the air like a knife- headed straight for my head.

I closed my eyes, deciding to take death gracefully, and breathed my final breath as the bullet inplanted itself right in between my eyes.


"Oh, for goodness sake, really?" I cried out.

I was in the animus loading area with Juno again, and I was slightly annoyed. I was willing to take death with good grace, but no.

"Hush, child. I am willing to make you an offer." She said, softly.

Her voice danced through the air, and she said it so softly I barely heard it.

"And what might that be?" I asked.

"You may either die, or go back into the world as Cara. I can make it so that Cara will be exactly as she was in the animus, but that she will not harm your friends." She offered.

I thought about it. Would is be selfish snd unfair to bring a figurement of the past into the present day world?

But then again, did I really want to die? And was living as someone else better than dying altogether?

"Do I have time to decide?"

"I'm afraid you don't have long, my girl. There is only so long I can give you before your mind shuts down altogether, and you are banished from the universe."

I wasn't ready to decide! It was such a big decision to make and I didn't know if I wanted to go back as someone else and have none of my memories.

It was either I died alone, or I died and took Cara with me...

A/N- Really short chapter, I'm sorry! But there will be another one fast.

What do you think she will choose?

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