Chapter 24- This isn't helping

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Ezio's POV

Cara went into a state of complete shock. She didn't even blink, she barely breathed, and she just stared straight ahead with a glassy look. Her eyes glazed over and her body froze up, not moving a muscle. I must say, this fact wasn't helping with the fact that we needed to escape a heavily guarded palace.

"Cara? Cara, please?" I tried lightly shaking her, but it didn't faze her at all.

In the end, I ended up just picking her up and carrying her.

I found the opening I had previously came through, and managed to climb back through with Cara still in my arms. She was so light, it was very surprising.

We made it outside the Castello unseen so far, but as I was crossing the bridge, I heard a yell.

"ASSASSINI! QUICK, GUARDS!" An archer from a nearby rooftop hollered.

I took off in the fastest run I could, which turned out to be a jog. We were so close to the Isola Tiberina, but I could hear footsteps gradually getting closer and closer. I made the executive decision to dump Cara on a haystack while I fought them off.

It was tough. But I managed it.

Right until I was knocked to the floor, and disarmed. I was defenceless. This guy had an axe, and so I knew hidden blades would be of no use whatsoever.

I guessed that this was it. That this was the end.

That was, until a blade entered from behind him, spurting blood everywhere and causing him to go limp. Against the moonlight, I saw the silhouette of the Borgia guard fall, to be replaced with one of an assassin I knew all too well. Of the assassin I now owed my life to.

Cara's POV

I watched as Ezio plunged his blade straight through my brother. In a sense I was glad, with him being a Templar and all. Not forgetting, of course, that he did just try to kill me.

There was a large part of me that was immensely sad. He was, after all, the only family I had left. I know we were reunited under unfortunate circumstances, of course, but I had so many questions I wanted for him to answer. Like, where had he been all this time? Why hadn't he made the effort to find me if he knew I was alive? Why was he a Templar?

All questions that would surely remain in my mind for the rest of my life.

I snapped back to reality when I saw that Ezio was carrying me out of the Castello, and we were crossing the bridge. I wasn't paying much attention, but I could tell he was in a fast jog.

I was suddenly thrown in a haystack, and Ezio engaged in intense combat. I was in no state to take on that amount of men, so I could do nothing but watch the scene unfold. I was helpless.

I got a good slap in the face from my senses, when I felt something pulling me towards where Ezio had faught all of those men.

There was a brute standing above him, axe ready to swing down. Ezio's various weapons were strung about the place, and so he could do nothing about it.

Instinct took control all of a sudden, and I rammed my blade as hard as I could through his chest.

Ezio looked up at me with thankful eyes, as he ascended to his feet. Then, he did something that I think shocked us both a little bit.

He took me in his arms and hugged me as if it was the last thing he'd ever do.

I returned the hug with an equal amount of force, and he whispered into my hair.

"Thank you, Cara. I owe you my life."

"We all saw it coming." I heard a smug looking Guier from behind us. It looked like he had bought everyone from the Tiber Island hideout with him too.

Ezio still didn't let go, and I was glad.

I felt safe in his arms.

Like nothing could ever get to me.

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