Chapter 31- Discovery

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Liya's POV

Desmond and I had been wandering the city for a while now, just visiting significant places in Cara and Ezio's animus files. However, we discovered nothing of use.

We were sitting on a rooftop, about to give in.



"Why... Why are you helping me?"

"Because when I spoke with Juno, not many people believed me. Also, it would be nice for you to not have something horrible happen to you." He chuckled.

"Well I sure do appreciate it."

A comfortable silence descended upon us.

Until my feet started throbbing and my blood pulsed faster, and the pull that Cara had overtook my control.

I was running over the rooftops, with Desmond on my tail and no idea as to where I was going.

"Where are we going?"

"I dunno, but I'm having a real sense of De ja vu!" I replied, referring back to when I was in the Animus.

We wound up perched on a rooftop opposite a huge statue of a horse, reared in the air.

Cara ran with the apple in her pocket, trying to resist the urge to look back. Just a few minutes earlier, Ezio had gotten into a huge fight with afew too many Borgia Guards. He had the apple with him but didn't want to lose it, and so had told Cara to go to the Horse statue and hide it there.

She approached the statue and reached over to the horses saddle, seeing the Assassin insignia printed there as well as a hole.

She flicked out her blade, and fiddled around with the mechanisms inside the hole for a while before part of the stone on the statue came out, revealing a small cube space. It was just big enough for the Apple to fit in to.

She delicately placed the apple inside and replaced the stone covering, fiddling with the hole once again to get it to lock.

An hour or so later, Ezio went by the statue to retrieve the apple, but thought better of it. It was unlikely anyone would find it in there, and he knew that the apple had done it's fair share of damage lately, and to leave it for someone else in the future to discover.

He walked back to the Isola Tiberina, knowing that he had done the right thing.

"Liya? Liya!" I opened my eyes to see Desmond shaking me, looking panicked.

"What happened?"

"Y-Your eyes went almost black and... The patterns and the insignia on that blade... They... They glowed! What was that?"

"Blast from the past, put it that way. If that flashback serves me correctly, I know where we can find the apple."

"Great but-"

"Shh!" I whisper-shouted, hearing someone approach the statue in front of us.

They looked so familiar, but I couldn't see their face to put a name to them.

They produced a walkie talkie from where their jacket.

"Alright, move in. I'm pretty sure I found it."

A twisting feeling knotted in my stomach at the thought of someone else getting to the apple before us. Men had gotten drunk off've it's power before now- or at least that's what I heard.

A large group of men circled the statue, and I gasped.

They froze.

"WHO'S THERE?" One hollered.

Ezio had been keeping an eye on the statue where the apple was hidden. He didn't want it getting into the wrong hands. Right now, he was battling several Borgian Brutes. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out against them, as there seemed to be more and more of them joining the fight by the minute. He was silently praying for Cara's sixth sense to kick in, and for her to turn up and help him.

He was violently kicked to the floor, and his sword snatched away from him. A brute swung his axe high over his head, and Ezio knew there was no point in trying to use his hidden blades as they would just snap and be useless.

A figure appeared in an alleyway near to where the scene was unfolding. They suddenly lunged forward and drove their blades into the back of the brute who was about to kill Ezio.

Ezio recognised the figure to be Cara, and he silently thanked God for her incredible sixth sense.

Cara chucked Ezio a sword which he gladly took, and started slashing and stabbing at their attackers.

My eyes snapped open and my lungs were replenished with fresh air as I got slapped back into reality.

"What the hell happened?!" I screeched, finding myself standing in a mass of dead bodies.

The colour was vanished from their faces, and their eyes were rolled back in their heads, void of any life. Across their bodies were several deep stab/ slash wounds. Blood stained the concrete on the floor, a bitter reminder of the merciless killings I had, unknowinly, partaken in just seconds before.

"Y- You did that thing with your eyes again a-and your blades. You just went crazy and..." Desmond trailed off, looking glassily into the distance. He looked afraid of me.

"N-no. Surely not..." I muttered to myself.

However, I looked down at my blades and my worst fears were confirmed. They were covered in blood.

"Figlio de la puttana."

"What did you just say?"


Holla to @rachelleahdavis because she always votes and comments :)

What is cracking off? And what will happen next?

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