Chapter 28- The apple of Eden

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Cara's POV

Nothing much had happened in the brotherhood lately, which I guess I should have been thankful for, but I just missed the action. The only interesting thing that had happened, was that Rodrigo had taken the place of Doge. He had been the Doge for quite some time now, since the other one died. We were sure to be wary of Rodrigo, because he could become an imminent threat at any moment.

"Ezio?" Someone I recognised, but couldn't put a name to burst through the door to the weapons room.

"Sì?" Ezio responded, walking to meet him in the doorway. I put the vambraces I was fixing into their case and went to stand next to him.

"Rodrigo has one of the pieces of Eden, and he knows the location of the other. Cesare has caught wind of this, and now he is about to find the apple."

My jaw dropped open.

Ezio and I put on all of our armour in record time, and picked up our weapons. We raced out of the door, and mounted someone elses horses. If Cesare got to the apple before we did, it would be disastrous. He would use the apple to his advantage, and having both of the pieces of Eden meant he would be positively drunk on power.

We made it to the Castello, and scaled the walls. We were seen by several guards, but between the two of us, we managed to kill off about half of the Castello guards.

No words were shared as Ezio and I climbed the Castello. He stopped abruptly, and motioned to a window just above us.

Peering through, Lucrezia was there reading a book of some sort and muttering to herself. The door slammed open to reveal Cesare- an angry expression adorning his face.

"Where is Rodrigo?!" He spat, throwing the book she was reading to the floor.

She immediately went stiff, a telltale sign that she knew.

"I-I don't know."

He grabbed her by the neck and threw her violently against the wall.


"I'll never tell!" She spat in his face. I had to admit, I admired her courage.

Cesare threw her to the floor and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut.

Lucrezia fell to the floor, gasping for air. Ezio and I climbed through the window, and went to her side.

"Where is he? We can stop him." Ezio reassured.

"The study on the top floor." She choked out.

"You stay here and make sure she is okay. I will be back." Ezio told me. He pulled his hood up, and took off out of the window, climbing upwards.


I opened my eyes and sat up, my back cricking in several places. Why was I being taken out of the animus?

Vidic was stood by a computer, and he unplugged a harddrive before turning to me. It felt kind of surreal, being in the 21st century after being in the past for so long. I could vaguely hear the beeping of machines, and the tapping of keyboards in the distance.

"Why did you pull me out?" I asked, immensely confused. I was still in the same attire as I had been about 3 days ago, so they must have kept me in for a fair while.

I tugged at the sleeves of my burgundy t-shirt and drew circles with my ankles, as the leather of my black boots hadn't allowed much movement. I pulled at the end of my jeans too, a feeble attempt to flatten the creases.

"We got what we needed."

"What do you mean, you got what you needed?"

"Well, we have what we need to fill in the gaps of Ezio's DNA timeline."

"So you weren't interested in Cara as an assassin at all? You just wanted Ezio?"


All of a sudden, three people burst in.

There was a guy with blonde hair and glasses. He was wearing a grey jumper over a shirt and jeans. He looked a bit condescending.

There was a girl with short black hair, and a bluetooth type thing behind her ear. She was wearing a hoodie and jeans, and looked like a computer genius.

Lastly was a girl with blonde hair, tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a leather jacket with a black top under and jeans. I recognised her as Lucy, but what was she doing here?

Lucy knocked out Vidic with the butt of a gun, and the other girl took the harddrive from his hand.

"Liya, you remember me, right? Lucy."

I nodded.

"I'm Shaun." The guy said.

"I'm Rebecca." The girl said.

"What's going on?"

"We have to get you out of here."

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