Chapter 14- Anguish

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Cara's POV

I could not believe what had just happened. Ezio just went crazy at me, and I understood that he was sad for his Uncle but this was no way to go about it. There was just something... Something stopping me from killing Cesare. I had this feeling that alot more needed to happen before we killed Cesare. I also knew that Ezio had to be the one to kill him. There was just this aching in my gut that told me I shouldn't kill him.

Right now, I was riding somewhere. I didn't really know where, but I knew it was somewhere. I just needed to get away from Ezio for a while.

I was fast approaching a long, winding road that snaked through a long mountain range. There was a small wooden bridge that covered a ditch right as the road started, and there was a man there with a horse, struggling with his hidden blades.

He had chin- length brown hair with a red beret on top of it. He wore a matching red cloak, as well as brown and cream clothes to match.

"Excuse me, might I be of assistance?" I asked, politely.

I must have caught him off- guard, as he jumped a little at my words and put his hand over his heart as though in shock.

"My goodness, you startled me! Your service would be appreciated Sir."

I was slightly offended that he would automatically assume I was a man, and so I took off my hood and let my long, chestnut hair blow in the slight breeze. It felt quite liberating to take my hood off.

He suddenly went ghostly pale, and his mouth dropped open.

"I'm so sorry Miss! I had just assumed that you were a male because- never mind. My apologies."

"No offence taken. Now, what might I help you with?"

"I have something stuck in my blade, and it looks like my blade is broken as it is, so I don't want it to be worse."

I dismounted my horse and approached him, hidden blade unsheathed. He looked terrified of me, which I found to be amusing.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." I assured the poor man.

I jammed the tip of my blade down a crook near the base of his, fetching out a piece of rock that was stuck there.

"There. Better?"

"Good as new."

He extended his arm to me, which I gladly shook.

"Leonardo Da Vinci."

"Cara Estrellas."

His face paled, and he looked in complete awe of my existance.

"B-But I thought you all were killed?"

"Not me."

"Amazing. So when did you join the creed?"

"About 2 or 3 weeks ago."

"Interesting. Do you share the same traits as your Father did?"

"I don't know. I didn't even know my Father was an Assassin before I became one. Tell me more."

We mounted our horses and begun to travel side-by-side at a slow pace.

"Your Father had exceptional senses. He could see further and more in detail than any man I ever did know. He could hear a conversation from 2-3 buildings away. Smell a scent like no other could. It was amazing."

"Yes. Come to think of it, I guess I share those traits with him."

"But, do you have his Sixth Sense?"


"He had the ability to tell when and where trouble was brewing. If there was conflict in the opposite side of the city, he would know. He said it was like a pull, and that it was this rhythm in his blood that told him where to go."

"I've never tested that theory. I shall have to try it some time."

"Indeed, now. Tell me, why are you coming this way?"

I hesitated before telling the man absolutely everything. From watching my Mama die, to the ambush, to the argument with Ezio. What did I have to lose?

He was shocked, but told me that he knew Ezio when he was younger. Around the time that Ezio's Father and Brothers died. He also said that I should come and live with him, and start up a new life in Venezia. That sounded extremely appealing, as I could have a new identity with all new surroundings and all new people.

And so begun my adventure in Venice.

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