Chapter 19- Save

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Cara's POV

I wasted no time in going to the Isola Tiberina, regardless of whether Ezio was following or not

"Cara! Cara!"

"Ezio, Isola Tiberina!"

He just nodded, and I was glad that he didn't ask questions because I really didn't have the time to explain.

We travelled with great haste, and got there in a short amount of time.

I threw open the door, startling everyone inside.


"Has anyone been in or out of this building in the past day?"


"Good, I want to keep it that way. Don't let anyone in or out of this building except me, or Ezio. Got it?"


"Meraviglioso. I want someone to lock all exits, and I want someone on each door at all times."



Ezio suddenly appeared from nowhere, and looked down at me with a concerned look.



"Why did you leave?"

"On impulse. I wanted somewhere new."

"Why are people calling you Luna?"

"I wanted a new name, and I knew you would be looking for me."

"How did you know there was trouble in Firenze?"

"My Father had this ability to tell where there was trouble. Apparently he passed it down, because I felt the exact same thing."

"How could you hear the conversation through the walls?"

"My Father also had exceptional senses."

"What did they say?"

"That they are sending spies to the Isola Tiberina."

Unknown POV

This was great news.

The girl could sense trouble, and had amazing senses? How was I supposed to pass up an opportunity like this?

Silly girl, thinking I was gone.

She was wrong, oh so wrong.

I think it's time I had some fun. I haven't had much fun in a while, and this was the perfect place to mess with her head.

Oh, Ezio? Of course, I could have some fun playing him around. It's so obvious he has a thing for her, and that is one of the most valuable parts of this.

Little girl, thinking she's a master assassin. Thinking she can take down anyone and everyone. She's damn wrong.

So damn wrong.

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