Chapter 16- Disappearance

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Ezio's POV

I had tried absolutely everywhere looking for Cara. She was nowhere to be found, and from the letters I had sent to the brotherhoods in the area, I knew she was in hiding.

I figured that she wouldn't have gone that far, but upon gaining the knowledge that she wasn't anywhere near here, I begun to panic.

Had she been captured by the Borgias? She had said that they were still looking for her. If they did have her, and anything happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself.

I know I probably should have asked in further away areas, but I was really focusing on rebuilding Monterrigioni. It was hard, getting over his death and helping the people of the city rebuild their lives at the same time. But, I was managing.

The mercenaies had been a great help at restoring the city walls. It was extremely expensive, and the city was holding by a thread.

I decided to go and see Claudia, who was working on documenting taxes and the like, to try and get an insight into the female mind.

"Claudia?" I walked into the study, and she turned to scowl at me.

"What do you want, Ezio? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I need a favour."

"We all do."

"Claudia, please."

She put down her quill, and slumped back into her chair. She sighed loudly, and blinked several times.

"What is it?"

"It's Cara. She's ran away and I don't know where."

She suddenly looked concerned and her eyes widened.

"Why did she leave?"


"Ezio! What did you do!"

"I blamed her for Uncle Mario's death and for not killing Cesare when she had the chance."

She slammed her hands down on the desk, making a loud bang and stood up. She looked terrifying, to be honest.

"Idioti! What would you do that for?"

"I don't know, I was angry!"

"That is no excuse! I thought you were raised better than that! After what happened with Christina, I thought you would have learned your lesson on how to treat women."

I suddenly turned solemn at the mention of Christina's name.

"So... So what do I do?"

"You go look for her!"

"But I don't know her whereabouts!"

"Then you search far and wide, and you do not stop until you find her!"

"Thank you Claudia."

"Anytime, brother. But a warning, I'll have your neck if you hurt the girl again!"

Cara's POV

I had been accepted into the brotherhood as one of their own, and I loved it. Nobody treated me differently because I was the only girl and for that, I was grateful.

I had introduced myself to the others as Luna Cara L'alviere. I wanted to keep my real name, and so I decided to have it as my middle name. I knew that Ezio was bound to be in touch looking for me, and I really didn't want to be seeing him any time soon. That is only half the reason I changed my name.

I wanted a complete fresh start, and a new identity would give me just that.

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