Chapter 10- Uncle Mario

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Ezio's POV

It was beginning to get dark, and I could see Cara's eyes drooping slightly. The stars were beginning to come out, twinkling dots against the beautiful night sky.

"Cara, look."

"What am I looking at?"

"Look up."

She turned her head to look up and her mouth fell open in awe. Tonight was a wonderfully clear night, and every star was visible, each one brighter than the next. The moon hung proud and white, illuminating everything in a way that I was unfamiliar with.

I found myself absent-mindedly gazing at Cara. The moon lit up half of her face, making her light freckles and bright ivory skin stand out. The other half was left in darkness, but her eyes were still shining. Her delicate hands were holding delicately onto the reigns, and she was holding them gently. As though they might snap.

"I-It's beautiful, Ezio." She stammered in her soft voice, before letting out a little yawn.


"Sì-but it is okay." She replied, sleepily.

"I think we should perhaps bed down for the night, as you are in no condition to ride."

"I am fi-," She let out another large yawn,"Okay you are right."

We dismounted our horses and took blankets from the pouches on our saddles. I started a fire, while Cara found an appropriate place to tie the horses up.

When she returned, we wrapped ourselves up in our blankets and used a log as an extremely uncomfortable pillow.

She fell asleep not long after, and I couldn't help notice her shivering. Being careful not to wake her, I pulled her small body closer to me and she instinctively laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her, and surrendered to the darkness.

******* The next day *******

I awoke to the sound of birds tweeting, and Cara's barely audible breathing. She looked so peaceful as she slept, and I felt awful being the one to wake her up.




"EZIO?!" Her eyes snapped open and she crawled away from me desperately, a look of complete bewilderment on her face.

"What? What is it?"

"Did I- Did I fall asleep on you?"

I smirked.


"Why did you not wake me? I would have moved!"

"Do not worry about it Cara. It is fine."

"Sorry, you should have just shoved me off." Her cheeks reddened to a deep crimson.

I decided to keep it to myself that I had moved her- this was too much fun. Cruel, but a

Lot of fun.

We then set off for Monteriggioni, and we had the walls in our sights. The short ride from our camp to Monteriggioni was spent in a comfortable silence, and I honestly didn't mind it.

All of a sudden, there was a mighty bang, and Cara's horse fell to the ground-with her still on it.


I dragged her from beneath the horse, which was now dead. It had a large cannonball next to its body, and a large wound in its rib cage. At least it died instantly, and endured no suffering.

There was now a man, running through the drawbridge through to the town. It was the familiar figure of Uncle Mario. It did not take him long to reach us, as he was extremely quick.

"Ah, nipotè! My apologies for the cannonball, The mercenaries were practicing for the attack."

"It is okay Uncle, nobody got hurt."

"Ah, who is this?" He took Cara's hand and kissed her knuckles. She smiled in return.

"Cara Estrellas, a pleasure to meet you."

Mario's mouth fell open and he looked to me, eyes wide.

"Is she-" he trailed off

"Sí, Uncle. Meet the daughter of the legendary Falco Estrellas."

"My oh my... Please, follow me. We have much to discuss."

We went forward to the town,and I dropped my horse off at the stables. I then entered the town that I had grown to love.

Cara's POV

Immediately, I could see why Ezio cared for this town. Even in a time of danger and unrest, the civillians were still smiling and walking with a spring in their step. The mercinaries were testing out the cannons, and so they could be heard distantly over the buzz of the town.

It looked like an extremely close knit community, like everyone knew everyone.

We approached a fountain-like construction that had an assassin insignia carved into the white stone behind it. Either side of this, were 2 staircases leading up to the Villa Auditore.

It was a large building, with several windows bordered up. The sun cast an orange tinge to it, making the white brick glow, almost.

Before I had chance to have a look inside, I heard a battle cry from outside the city walls, shortly followed by screams and cries from civillians.

The siege had begun.

Assassin's Creed- InstinctOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora