Chapter 9- Travel

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Cara's POV

It had been 4 days since I had woken up after my injury, and I had healed up nicely.

There was still a large, ugly scar that ran down my side. It wasn't subtle either, it was bright white and pink against my skin. Somehow, I knew it wasn't going to be one of those scars that miraculously disappears.

Today was the day I would be travelling with Ezio to the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni. Honestly, I was just looking forward to seeing the outside world again.

The past few days have been tedious, with everyone insisting I go to be, sit down, or rest. I was so tired of it, and I just wanted to be treated like a human again.

After putting on my assassin robes, Ezio entered my room, sitting on the bed beside me as I pulled on my boots.


"Sì, Ezio?"

"You do not have to come on this mission with me, if you do not feel that you are ready. Nobody is expecting you to." He said, a serious look on his face.

"That's exactly why I want to go though, because nobody is expecting me to. I am tired of moping around all day, and I have been really looking forward to going out on the job again." I smiled reassuringly at him.

"Meraviglioso, then we shall leave at once!" He announced, suddenly happy. He threw me my blades, and I followed him out to the stables.

The sun was out today, but with a pleasantly cool breeze. The weather seemed to be greatly on our side, which I was more than grateful for.

We mounted our horses, and set off in a canter to the edge of the city. It felt good to be outside, and I grinned as I appreciated what I had missed.

~·~ About 2 hours of riding later ~·~

I could see Ezio slowly becoming more restless as we advanced further toward Monteriggioni. He became very flinchy as we approached the mountains. He was more alert, as though expecting something bad to happen.

"Ezio? What is wrong?" I asked, softly. He turned his head to look at me, and smiled.

"Nothing, Tesora. What makes you ask?"

"No reason."

Another half an hour of silent conversation took place, when I wondered silently to myself. I never did ask Ezio how he got the scar on his lip.


"Ezio?" We both asked at the same time. I laughed, because it was extremely coincidental.

"You go first." He said, being the gentleman he was.

"I was just wondering, how did you get that scar on your face?"

"I got into a fight when I was younger, and let us just say it did not turn out prettily for the opposition."

"What was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Ah, yes. I was wondering what that mark was on your hand? I saw it as you were putting your boots on this morning."

I was wondering when he would ask this question.

On my right hand, I had a dark brown mark in the shape of a distorted assassin symbol. You could just pick out the shape, rounded at the bottom and pointed at the tip. I was always unsure of it, but it looked as though it might have been a birthmark, or a collection of freckles. It was strange, as my father said it ran in the family. My brother never had it, which I found strange. My father said it ran for about 4 generations through the males. I was the first female in the family to get it.

"It is just a birthmark of sorts, but I do not know. My father said it started with a man, who I believe was called, Malik Al-Sayf. Apparently he had it, and it passed down the line."

Ezio's eyes widened considerably at this, and he looked genuinely shocked.

"Even heard of Altaïr Ibn-la'ahad?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I am descended from him. I believe he and Malik knew each other. How strange, that we should find each other."

I truly did find it remarkable, and I realised that it really is a small world. Who could have known?

I guess fate always has new ideas.


Assassin's Creed- Instinctजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें