Meet Jane

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"I'll go and get some coffee" a rather tearful Merryweather said wiping her eyes as she walked along the corridor a few minutes after arriving.

"Don't worry, guys."  King Adam consoled as he let Belle cry into his shoulder. "I'm sure Jennifer's going to be fine."

Belle hugged her husband and tried to stop all of the tears from escaping her eyes.

"What about the baby? When can we see them both?"  Merryweather said as she arrived with refreshments she was anxious, just like anyone would have been in the same situation.

"It should be soon." James consoled his and Jennifer's friend , barely believing his own words. James had never been a particularly optimistic person when it came to things like this.

"Mr Kennedy?" The midwife who had been helped with the birthing of the child and such walked up to them. She smiled at Everyone. "She's stable, you can come see her now."

"Oh, thank god." The half an hour had been one of the longest of James life. But when he walked in, time slowed down almost to a screeching halt.

It was like an otherworldly experience. The only thing James saw was his wife, holding his child, and her perking up at the sightly as well.

James stood beside her bed but he couldn't take his eyes off of his child. "How you feeling?" He asked his wife.

"Fantastic, thanks for asking." She laughed, the child in her arms squirming at the sudden movement.

"She's so little..." Merryweather said, holding her hand out and watching as the baby wrapped a tiny little hand around the her finger.

"I know." Jennifer said, smiling.

" do you want to hold her?" Jennifer asked Merry who nodded " I'd love too" she beamed.

" she's gorgeous, What did you name her,?" Belle asked both parents giddily.

"Jane....Kennedy." They answered in unison.

Merryweather smiled. "Oh, right."  She looked back at the baby and could feel the little heartbeat through the thin hospital blanket. "Hi, Jane! I'm your auntie! Welcome to the outside world!"

Everyone laughed quietly.

"Can I...?" James gestured to Merry, asking to hold Jane.

"Oh gosh of course.....Here daddy." She gently handed the baby off to their father.

James experienced another time-stopping flood of emotion. He almost couldn't comprehend the fact that he had was helping to protect and bring up this little bundle of joy. "Hey, baby." He said.

His voice was soft and sweet, like none of them had ever heard before. There was a brief silence as Jennifer watched them both for a moment but couldn't help but think of Jenna at this moment and wishing she was here to see her little sister.

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