XIV. shut yo cute ass up

Start from the beginning

zayn grabbed her hand as they began to walk down the street.

"what's gotten into you, you haven't stopped smiling since you came in there,"ochuko asked curiously.

zayn shrugged his shoulders "maybe because i'm with the finest woman in the world,"he cheesed pulling her in and kissing her.

she laughed"nigga you ain't funny."

he just smirked placing a kiss on her neck growling a little just to tease her.

she gasped excitedly"z, stop,"she giggled as people who passed by either smiled at their cuteness or groaned in annoyance.

he stopped once he was satisfied keeping her close to him as he began to guide her toward whatever he had in store for her.

as they walked ochuko nosily questioned everything to the point of annoyance, although someone else may find it annoying zayn though it funny adorable even only laughing her off.

"zzzzzz please tell me where we're going, i'll suck ya dick,"she laughed.

zayn burst out laughing "shut up,"he chuckled.

"ZAYN I'LL SUCK YA DICK, THE WAY YOU LIKE,"she laughed yelling cataching odd looks from the people around them.

zayn shook his head only slightly embarrassed by their stares.

"shut up,"he said smacking her ass aggressively.

she yelped pouting, but shutting her mouth. zayn grinned pleased "i love you princess,"he whispered in her ear cheesing.

"imma gargle your balls so hard you'll cum in two seconds and be embarrassed,"she growled seriously.

zayn only shrugged her off they'd arrived at the place although ochuko didn't know it.

they stopped staying in front of a bridge it wasn't high up, but it was decent enough for someone to up off and kill themselves, this was a walking bridge so, no car zoomed past them i fact they couldn't even fit on the bridge.

ochuko blinked entirely confused as to why they'd stopped in such a odd place.

zayn sighed letting go of ochuko's hand and running a hand threw his hair"i-i know this is, um—this is weird i, i just didn't know how to tell you without, without showing you,"he cleared his throat scared of making eye contact with ochuko.

"what's wrong, z,"she frowned when zayn put his hand in the bridge ledge.

"i—i the the day we met and we bumped into each other, this-this place was were i was coming, coming to—to kill myself—,"he stopped afraid of ochuko's reaction.

she just blinked rushing to pulling him in for a hug"i love you z, i love you a whole lot, i'm so sorry, sorry for everything,"she cried tears building up like winter snow on house windows.

zayn shhed her,she had no reason to apologize her words as odd as it sounded gabe him a sliver of joy that day, and kept him from ending him life whether she knew it or not.

"you have no reason to apologize love, in a cliché way you saved my life, sure i still have to deal with these demons, but you've made me want to be better, you've given me joy i never thought possible, sure some days i'm bad off, but you always try you best to help me cope and for that i thank you,"he smirked.

ochuko dug her head into zayn's chest finding peace with his words."i'm so glad you were brought into my life,"ochuko cried smiling and tightening her grip on her zayn's body.

as if God himself had smiled down on them, the sun made a appearance brightening the recently darkened sky momentarily.

"i love you too,koko,"zayn said kissing her on the forehead.

they stood there for a while in complete silence ignoing the commentary of the world afraid they'd lose the feeling of one another.

zayn promised himself that he'd ask ochuko to marry him, no matter how scared he was, but there was a bump in his throat his body won't move and his lips became glued shut, he was afraid.

this feeling he knew too well, this feeling had made itself comfortable in his being since he was a child, fright didn't even have to introduce itself to zayn anymore he knew this feeling like he knew his middle name.

he wanted to badly to ignore that feel, because he'd worked so hard for ochuko not only for the ring he'd gotten her, but to live for her to let her brighten his life and give him a reason to live.

that ring he earned,he fought for to not only show her how much he cared, but to show her how thankful he was thankful she saw something in the loser zayn saw in himself.

and so he fought, even though he still wasn't mentally strong zayn fought he pushed pass those aching feelings, he ignored his upset stomach, the cruel thoughts racing through his mind and his sweaty palms; without the slightest sign of fright zayn softly pulled ochuko part from him smiling at her with all the joy in the world in his heart and eyes.

he quickly fixed himself up then got on his knee, ochuko frown confused as to what he was doing.

the concrete was a helping hand to zayn, he helped him keep his balanced and cool as he cleared his throat reaching into his pocket for the ring.

"z was are you doing,"ochuko giggled wiping away her tears.

zayn looked at her with a sly smirk then pulled out the ring he'd worked his ass off at his contacting job to get her.

ochuko nearly passed out when she looked at the huge rock zayn had gotten her"NIGGA,"she yelled.

"no the fuck you didn't,"she continued to yell like a little child.

zayn laughed grabbing ochuko's hand "ochuko abu will you give me the honor of being the happiest motherfucker on this shit planet and marry me,"he cheesed.

ochuko laughed at him"HELL YES,"she laughed as zayn put the ring on her finger.

he got up ochuko covering him in kisses and squeezing him as tightly as humanly possible.

"i fucking love you, zayn malik,"she cried her cheeks rosy pink from crying.

"i love you too, love,"he grinned kissing her forehead.

whether it had been all in their head or was really the scent of the town the air was filled with something wholesome, something beautiful and it wasn't some cliché smell of love and happiness; but the smell of contentment the smell of finding ones place in a world that doesn't care if you even figure yourself out.

zayn has found his way that day, he understood that his purpose wasn't to satisfy ochuko or anyone else, it wasn't to obey everyone command, but to find the greatness in himself which she had helped him see.


this the last chapter. :/

sorry i'm out of ideas and i have A LOT of other stories that i have written n ready to be published so yeah. i've had fun writing this story and reading y'all comments.
i'm so happy to have finally finished a book. i feel accomplished asf. :)

there will be an epilogue soo yeah.

Much Love💙





☀️Black Sunshine☀️

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