Chapter 42: Danger

Start from the beginning

"W-What w-was t-t-that?"

"W-What's g-g-going o-on?"

"H-Help! S-Someone, h-help, p-please!"

The fear in the air was practically tangible. People voice their panic and concern, with volumes ranging from whispers to screams.

"C-Calm down, p-please-p-pabo...!" Mato shouted into the microphone, but he too, was quaking in his boots. (Pun intended)

A blur of gold shot through the air at the same time a blur of red did, and the microphones disappeared from the hands of the pumpkin and Chapati. A second later, two silhouettes hovered above the arena.

"Ugh. Why are you here?"

"For the same reason you are, I presume? Why are you here?"

"To evacuate the citizens."

"Oh. I guess we ave the same end goal, then." He ran a hand through his hair, the tangle of emotions in his head bothering him. They were mainly emotions common for this situation; frustration, a tint of panic, worry, a sense of foreboding danger lingering on the horizon, and despite the circumstances, an eerie but familiar calm that he always possessed. But, there was one little feeling out of place. Happiness.

A small part of him felt happy that they thought the same, and that was what made him surprised. Sure, he felt weirdly comfortable around the girl, but the immense joy he felt at being on the same wavelength as her was astonishing. He berated himself for thinking such thoughts about his enemy, but little did he know, someone was thinking the same thing.

"Attention, citizens of Crocus!" As Aurora's voice projected throughout the city, people looked towards the sky where they saw her and Natsu Dragneel floating side by side. "Calm down, please." Her voice took on a gentle tone a little too similar to Lucy's. Though the words were the same that Mato had spoken a mere few minutes ago, the effect they had was vastly different. Her gentle voice seemed to soothe souls, and soon, everyone had calmed down and was listening intently.

"Danger is on the horizon. Dragneel here can affirm." When the dragon slayer nodded, panic spread through the crowd like wildfire. "I know many of you are worried. It'll be alright, we'll get you out of here." Shouts of protest began to arise, so Natsu continued for Aurora.

"And we understand that many of you still want to watch the Tournament of Champions-"

"-so we'll make a compromise." Aurora finished, then looked over her shoulder. "Dragneel,"she whispered. "I sense trouble coming our way. Big trouble." He merely nodded, then continued.

"You'll all be teleported to a town a few hours outside of Crocus, courtesy of Winged Fate and Eternal Destiny."

"There, seating and the sort will be provided along with lacrima screens as usual to watch the Tournament of Champions."

"We ask the competitors to make a choice — either you can stay and face the incoming danger-"

"Or you can leave with the citizens. It's up to you."

"Sounds good, Mr. Mato and Mr. Chapati?"

"A-Ah, y-yes!" With a stuttering response, millions of questions swarmed in not just the commentator's head, but in many viewer's heads as well. How had these two strangers worked together so well? How were they able to make a plan so quickly? And how were they going to get everyone to safety?

"Great!" Separate into ten groups, please." At Aurora's command, the audience quickly dispersed into 10 groups, and a few more citizens who were outside the arena joined them.

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