The Lost Goddess 6

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Aphrodite and Hephaestus started bickering. "That is enough! You have your long lost daughter here, and you just start bickering! Work it out later!" Yelled Nico.
That got them to stop. "I'm sorry, your father always likes to prove he's right." Said Aphrodite.
"I'm sorry too." Said Hephaestus.
"So, welcome home Bianca!" Said Aphrodite lovingly.

"Not so fast!" Said Apollo.
"What do you want Apollo?" Asked an annoyed Hephaestus.
"Bianca has a quest! She has to go to the Underworld and learn something about her past." Said Apollo, proud of himself for doing his job.
"If she has a quest, that means she can bring two people." Said Nico happily, knowing that he might get to spend time with her.
"I only want to bring one person. Nico." Said Bianca happily.
"Then let's go!" Said Nico.
"What about supplies, and I have to tell Chiron that I'm leaving." Said Nico.
"I'll take care of the supplies since I have magic and.-" Bianca was cut off by her mother. "I'll tell Chiron." Bianca used her magic and created satchels with everything they'll need.
"The Underworld is in L.A. How are we going to get there?" Asked Nico.
"I've got this." Said Bianca.
She then teleported them to L.A.
"So, where do we go now?" Asked Bianca.
"Up there." Replied Nico while pointing to the Hollywood sign.
They were only halfway up the hill when they were bombarded by monsters. The first one was a Harpy, they have the head of a woman and the body of a bird. Bianca fished a bow and an arrow out of her bag and hit the Harpy with deadly accuracy.

"Wow!" they both said in unison.
"We better get going before more come." Said Nico.
Then the Minotaur appeared out of thin air.
"What is that?" Asked Bianca.
This was not just any Minotaur, it was twice as big and was much stronger.
"Bianca, stay back. I've got this." Said Nico.
Bianca strung three arrows and hit the monster in the chest, it disintegrated.
"Didn't I tell you? I'm great with a bow and arrow." Said a proud Bianca.
"We have to get to the sign quick! I can tell there will be more monsters coming." Said Nico.

Once more, Rick Riordan owns these characters not me. All pictures are from google.

The Lost Goddess (Completed but sometimes I randomly update)Where stories live. Discover now