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"Guys it's about time".

That was the time when Itachi couldn't get anymore nervous. Hearing the members fingers' crack and their evil grins covering their faces and seeing how determined they were to destroy the leaf. He got scared. More than scared, Itachi was too concerned about Sasuke and Sakura. The former teammates headed to the leaf the previous night, where they found Kakashi who made their passage inside the village easier and quieter.

"There you go, the autopsy permit" Kakashi said as he handed Sakura a piece of paper "and don't forget, no jutsu nothing at all, you'll get caught"

"Guess we have to do it the old school way" Sasuke said "a simple deguise should do the trick".

Sasuke and Sakura put on some coats to disguise themselves and headed to the hospital, where Tsunade was waiting for them.

"Lady Tsunade!" Sakura said in surprise "I knew you won't let me down"

"Of course I wouldn't" Tsunade said while rushing to hug her disciple.

"Guys can you do this another time? We have some important stuff to do now" Sasuke interrupted.

"Uchiha Sasuke" Tsunade gave an irritated look "we'll have a talk after we're done"

"We'll probably do that on the battlefield" Sasuke teased.

"What is he talking about, Sakura?" Tsunade asked.

"Pein is planning to attack the leaf today" Sakura explained while wearing a pair of gloves.

"Okay, you start with the work, and I'll inform everyone to get ready" Tsunade said.

Tsunade on the other hand, informed everyone to get ready, provided them with a solid plan, and went back to help Sakura, who obviously didn't need any help. Sakura started her work, not able to control her excitement mixed with rage. She really wanted to know who's behind this mess. Sasuke who's supposed to watch in case someone came, was also focused on Sakura's professional moves. He thought that that weak cry girl is no more; instead, there's this strong woman who does her best to be successful. Sasuke shook his head and frowned, then looked to Sakura who sighed in shock.

"What on earth is that?"

Hearing her, Tsunade hurried to see what Sakura had found. Whoever that person is, he has to be extremely strong. Not only did he manage to kill one of the legendary sanin, but he also made a whole medical team believe that Jiraiya was killed with a sword when he was killed with...

"Metal bars?" Tsunade asked in shock "Who uses these in fights?"

It's unavoidable to ask, as it's even more unavoidable to find an answer and that answer was already known.

"No way!" Sakura said clenching her teeth "the sword stab was not the reason of the death but the attack with these metal bars"

"Who uses these?" Kakashi asked.

"Isn't obvious though" Sasuke smirked "we need to change the plan tsunade"

The Suspect: Sakura Of The AkatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now