Roll The Credits

448 15 3

After telling the rest of the group about Washington, we had a party in Javi and Kate's house. Obliviously not a loud one but, it was still fun. Well, until the guys brought out the alcohol and started doing shots with everyone. I took AJ from Mariana so she could go have fun and walked him outside to get some fresh air. Clem stayed inside to keep an eye on Mariana and keep her away from the shots. Me and AJ were gone for no more than 20 minuets and walked into quite a show. Clementine was feeling better, I guess, because she was on the kitchen table doing shots of tequila. I asked Mariana to take AJ upstairs before turning towards Clem.

Clementine was not drunk but, she was definitely tipsy. I began counting the number of empty shot glasses next to her and got to 5 before I was cut off by a shout.

"BABE! Oh my god, you're here! Listen me and the girls are starting a bet on who's boyfriend has the biggest di-"

"Okay! Clem, I think you've had enough to drink and would really appreciate you coming back to the house with me."

"You are so sweet. Of course I'll come home with you."

"Oh wow. Really? That's it? I was expecting more of a fi-"

"If you do that thing with your tongue to me again."

Aaaaannnd there it is. Great.

"You know what? Sure. I'll do whatever you want if you just go home with me right now."

Clementine looks elated that I agreed without complaints and told me to turn around and get on my knees.

Ain't I the one who's supposed to tell her that?

But, I went along with it because I was tired and wanted to get home and sleep. I feel her arms wrap around my neck and legs wrap around my waist. I don't know why she didn't just ask me to give her a piggyback ride. Clem's head rubs into my neck and her hot breaths send shivers through my body. I quickly hold her legs into place before walking to our house and Clem whines that she's bored. I think of something to do and softly start singing to her.

"I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
Follow my lead
I found a girl
Beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were that someone waiting for me
We were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But, darling just, kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine"

Before I get to the chorus, I hear faint snores coming from my neck. I smile to myself and shake my head before opening our door. My feet tread carefully up the steps and I reach Clem's bedroom and lay her down before removing her boots and hat. I kiss her forehead and lay down beside her, not wanting to go to my cold and empty bed. My dreams are filled of happily ever after endings and new beginnings. Oh how wrong they were.

The next day is buzzing with excitement in the air at the thought of getting out of the apocalypse alive. We're all packed and ready to head out by sunrise and we start heading to safety. Washington is about a days trip with Tripp driving and we don't need to make stops unless it's a bathroom break. Everyone is chatting animatedly to each other while Clem is giving them all death glares.

"Why the hell aren't they hungover? I know they drank the same as, if not more than, me. So what's the deal?"

I laugh and hand her a red Gatorade and a couple of ibuprofen while playing with AJ. She takes them and gives me a quiet thank you and she lays her head on my shoulder. I place a kiss on her forehead before turning my attention back to the road. Tripp is weaving in and out of groups of walkers and broke down cars while going 75 mph. Javi announces that we are 10 miles away from Washington and a group should stop at 5 and get out to go scout out the area. Clem and I both volunteered with Carl and Glenn to go. We left AJ with Kate before exiting the bus and make our way to the safe zone.

Things were quiet and still, giving us all an eerie feeling. I lead with Glenn and the team runs with us to the outskirts of a military tent. Glenn holds up his hand and pushes the tent flap back and goes in to check it out. He's gone for several minutes and comes back with a shake of his head. Disappointment is thick in the air and we shake it off before going to look some more. The team splits up with me and Clem and Carl and Glenn. Me and Clementine go check out another tent while they go the other way. I go in first and Clem is right on my heels, watching my back for any attackers or walkers. It's clear and start rummaging through shit for supplies. I find a couple of unopened water bottles and start inspecting the canned food I also found. I glance over and see Clem holding a children's picture book, probably for AJ, when movement catches my attention behind her.


But, she's already knocked to ground with a walker pinning her underneath it. I drop the supplies and run to her, my gun slipping from my grasp and sliding across the tent.


I start thinking fast about what to do and see the muerto about to bite Clem's shoulder and rush into action without thinking. I go to put my arm around the walkers neck but, it opens it's jaw and takes a hunk out of my skin.


I pull back before placing my hands around its head and twisting until I felt a crack and it falls to the ground. A stomp to the head is the walkers fate and I look down at Clem who's staring at my bite with those big caramel eyes. I give her a weak smile and collapse to the ground and she runs to my side.


I place my hand on her cheek and stroke it softly.

"Because I love you Clementine. I need you to survive and watch out for my family. Can you tell them that I love them too and give AJ this."

I pull my beanie off of my head and give it to Clem. By now, tears are streaming down both of faces and we do nothing to stop them. I feel my body start to become weak and realize it's my time to go.

"Clementine, you need to go. When I turn, I won't be able to save you from myself. I love you so much and will be waiting on you."

My eyelids start to become heavy and before I fade off I hear Glenn and Carl run in and start shouting something but, I can't make out what is it. Clementine starts shaking me to wake up and stay with her. I give her one last smile before blankness envelopes my vision.

Then, there's nothing.

The Silent Type (Gabentine Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin